A critical perspective on golf
In the Sept. 11 issue of The Campus, I wrote extensively about the environmental harms of grass lawns, and somewhat less extensively about the ostentatious bourgeois wastefulness and patriarchal white supremacist ideas underlying the imagery of the well-manicured lawn. For a comprehensive understanding of my hatred of grass, refer to that article, titled “Grass is trash.” Since taking this stance on grass, I have thought extensively about the issue and why I find it so viscerally condemnable. My conclusion is this: I blame golf. Golf is trash.
Being skilled at golf requires an enormous amount of money and resources compared to other sports, and thus has an air of exclusivity or elitism surrounding it. Golf skills are not taught in school gym classes, which means that kids who want to play golf likely have to pay for lessons rather than merely joining a scholastic team. Having enough extra income to pay for something as inessential to sustaining life as golf lessons is inarguably a privilege, which cannot be ignored in discussions about the talent and discipline that may go into becoming an excellent golfer.
For contrast, consider basketball, a sport that can be enjoyed with nothing but a ball and a hoop, the latter of which is often available for public use. Basketball is spatially compact, with courts generally taking up a space measuring about 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. This applies to lone hoopers at a park as well as professional games. Your average eighteen-hole golf course, however, takes up thousands of yards, a distance that often requires that players travel from hole to hole via golf cart. Because land is a valuable resource, urban areas are highly unlikely to justify constructing golf courses for city residents. This forces city kids who could potentially excel at golf to travel if they want to play, which is simply impossible for many working parents.
Although I imagine you could practice smaller-scale golf skills on any given swath of grass, it still stands that you cannot play a full game of golf with strict spatial limitations. Furthermore, all the grass required for golf is also valuable in the sense that it is a limited resource. All that grassy land, pimpled with sand pits and white balls, could be used for a plethora of more productive, useful projects, such as community gardens or affordable housing. At the very least, we could turn control of the land back over to Mother Nature, rather than wasting it on the hobbies of the rich — I am sure they could find something else to do, seeing as they have the capital necessary to unlock a world of options from which to choose a stupid pastime.
Looking at golf attire certainly does not improve my perception of the sport. Take Titleist, a golf equipment and apparel brand, for example — the name of the company is so laughably close to the word elitist, I almost wonder if it was intended to be ironic. The clothing itself is not only arguably tasteless, but also reflective of the sort of bland, upper-middle-class, clean-cut, conformist standard of what is considered presentable that has become almost synonymous with whiteness. The regalia of suburbia has long been a means of visually ostracizing those who either cannot or do not fit the picture — this often means the poor and people of color. Social media humor and discourse has played a role in identifying this trend. For example, a photo of a young man wearing salmon shorts, Sperry’s and a Vineyard vines t-shirt might be met with replies such as “you look like you pay $30 a gram,” and most Twitter users would understand that it is a joke about white privilege and lack of street knowledge.
It should be noted that I do believe in letting people enjoy things that I do not personally enjoy; forgive me if I have sounded too curmudgeonly. I have my own interests and fashion choices, and I do not care much to be criticized for these personal decisions. What I mean to assert is that golf as a cultural practice is inherently classist and does a lot to support the exact sort of elitist attitudes that perpetuate racism. It is hard to ignore these associations, especially while our sitting president, the quintessential figure of white supremacy and classism in the United States, has squandered over $141 million in taxpayer dollars on his dozens of golf outings just since he was inaugurated.

Peyton Britt is a senior philosophy major with a double minor in English and political science. This is her third and final semester serving as the Campus'...
Kaleigh • Oct 27, 2020 at 1:04 am
In response to Victoria’s comment: your single example does not disprove her entire argument. One instance in which she is wrong does not mean she is wrong as a whole. (Furthermore, just so people are aware, because I think it’s an important thing to recognize casual uses of propaganda in our everyday lexicon – if I were to classify her (Victoria’s) use of propaganda*, I would label it disproving a minor point (the fallacy of which I’ve explained the meaning of above))
*I am qualified to do so, I assure you.
Peyton Britt • Oct 26, 2020 at 2:53 pm
It is indeed very much focused on bias and stereotypes- you might notice that I have not offered criticism of individuals who play golf, but rather the sort of culture that surrounds the sport itself. For this reason I have absolutely engaged primarily with generalisations and stereotypes, not to undermine the potential for particular anecdotal accounts offering evidence contrary to my argument, but rather to comment on why these commonalities arise and what possible factors have contributed to the sport’s symbolic role in American culture. Considering that nothing in your comment was actually a contradiction to any of the arguments contained in my article, I might recommend that you reread the piece should you find yourself unconvinced by my explication 🙂
Jackson Sandusky • Oct 12, 2020 at 8:21 pm
victoria • Oct 12, 2020 at 7:35 pm
This is very stereotypical. I agree that the environmental impact for the way the grass is treated can be a problem at times but the rest of this is based on bias and stereotypes. My high school, a very average public high school in Pennsylvania, taught golf in gym class because it’s one of the few athletic sports that people can play for most of their lives.