Why you don’t need to filter your donations through corporations
As temperatures drop and the Christmas season approaches, we will all see more public efforts to encourage donating goods such as toys, nonperishable food items and winter clothing to the less fortunate. You might also think of Salvation Army bell-ringers toting their red kettles outside of your local grocery store or numerous other holiday-season efforts to give back; in fact, donations to charity skyrocket during the last three months of the year.
All of these efforts — except the Salvation Army — are entirely well-intentioned. Unfortunately, however, the mediation of donations through organization or corporations is fraught with potential nuances and problems that diminish the positive impact of the intended generosity.
Take the Salvation Army for example: despite their purported dedication to doing good, they are not only a charitable organization but also an Evangelical Christian church with a long history of discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. This history includes a number of crusades against legislative rights and protections for the LGBTQ+ community, attempts to circumvent local ordinances banning homophobic discrimination, the promotion of conversion therapy and a slew of other hateful transgressions.
On top of all of this, they have declared their belief that homosexuality is inconsistent with their Christian values and scripture on numerous occasions, recanting only after coming under fire in recent years. This is just one example of how charities can dupe people into thinking that their contributions are going towards something good, while in actuality, they are using your money to push a heartless agenda.
Another example of this is point of purchase fundraising, which refers to campaigns that aim to make donating to a good cause simple by getting cashiers to prompt you to donate while you make a purchase. When I worked at Burger King in high school, I remember asking customers “would you like to round up your purchase to the nearest dollar and donate your change to a good cause?” about a billion times.
What I did not know at the time, however, was that there is little way for consumers to know how these donations would be handled; in the case of hideously large corporations like Burger King, I think it is safe to assume that they probably pool all the collections together and claim it for tax deductions. This means that your change may be going to a good cause, yes, but will also simultaneously save corporations money along the way.
As a communist, this disgusts me; it seems nearly impossible to ensure that enormous philanthropic efforts are not only ethical but also effective. Take canned food drives as another example — most of the time, the labor, organization, transportation and other resources necessary to amassing nonperishable food items from the public outweigh the associated benefits.
Instead of digging an ancient can of baked beans out of the cupboard so you can feel good about sending your kid to school with something to give, why not just donate the dollar it cost directly to a food bank? Even better, why not just hand a dollar directly to a hungry person?
Putting money directly in the hands of those in need ensures that 100% of your contribution actually does go into their pockets. It also tells the recipient that you respect them as autonomous individuals, trusting that they know how to evaluate their own needs better than you do.
I am sure we have all heard the argument that you should not give money directly to the homeless because they will squander it on drugs or alcohol — and so what? The burn of a few shots can do wonders in warming a person from the inside out; who am I to deny a homeless person that simple pleasure?
Furthermore, resources for safe recovery from substance abuse disorders are seldom accessible to people struggling with homelessness. As someone who has always been fortunate enough to have a stable home, I feel that it is not my place to deny homeless people the right to seek temporary escape from the harsh realities of their circumstances, even when that means that some spare change I would be willing to give might end up in someone’s nose or lungs.
In sum, I do want us all to let that giving spirit wash over us, inspire us, motivate us towards compassionate action, not just in this holiday season but all year. I just also want us all to consider why it is less common, or perhaps less comfortable, to give money to people rather than corporations and churches.
We should not shy away from looking others in the face, eschewing responsibility and accountability for where our money goes. I want to see the disconnect between disadvantaged people and those who are willing to donate to foundations to support them dissolve. I want to see kindness without ego, fear, reservations or judgment — manifest in the connection between one hand full of spare change and one open palm is a purity that needs not be adulterated by the sticky fingers of corporations.

Peyton Britt is a senior philosophy major with a double minor in English and political science. This is her third and final semester serving as the Campus'...
Brenda Norton • Nov 17, 2020 at 2:23 am
I respect that this is an opinion piece. However, in order to have an informed opinion you should give the companies and organizations you criticize an opportunity to respond. I agree with you, up until a year or so ago, about the Salvation Army. However, their home page now is https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/the-lgbtq-community-and-the-salvation-army/.
Did you reach out to them before you encouraged people to not support them?
You mention working at Burger King in high school and asking customers for donations – you are several years removed from high school and you again state that you are guessing what happened to those donations. Again I ask – did you ask Burger King – whether it’s where you worked, the franchisee, or the corporation – were you right or are you just guessing?
If you’ve read this far then you will know I support what you are saying and asking of people – however, your message is diluted – people have to read through 11 paragraphs of YOUR stuff before they get to what you want them to do. And then you have no links to donate to anything. If you don’t want people to give to Salvation Army, then why wouldn’t you choose an alternative for people who read to the end of your piece? People are immediate – if the link is there they will donate. if you have to remind them to donate on their own they never will.