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The student news site of Allegheny College

The Campus

The student news site of Allegheny College

The Campus

FIJI’s ‘sweetheart’ application reinforces sexism

With more than a third of Allegheny’s population involved in Greek life, the sororities and fraternities of our campus are extremely influential.

Each of them uphold standards in leadership, scholarship, and philanthropy to best represent Allegheny.

Therefore, they are also responsible for the Allegheny College Statement of Community, which says that, “Allegheny students and employees are committed to creating an inclusive, respectful and safe residential learning community that will actively confront and challenge racism, sexism, heterosexism, religious bigotry, and other forms of harassment and discrimination.”

Any Allegheny organization, such as Greek Life, must work within the statement of community.

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Unfortunately, I have found Phi Gamma Delta’s Sweetheart application a form of sexism, which directly violates the statement of community.
I refer to sexism in terms of the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition, which is “prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.”

When I first opened the application on Facebook, I was appalled.

One of the duties of the “sweetheart” position is to “educate the brothers in etiquette and manners.”

The duty of “etiquette and manners” assumes that women are knowledgeable in this field, and thus fosters the stereotypes of patriarchal gender roles.

Patriarchal gender roles are typically considered as men being the natural breadwinners and women having the bread won for them.

“Etiquette and manners” is associated with the stereotypical idea of womanhood and femininity, and that all women have a social responsibility to be educated in this way.

Therefore, FIJI’s application assumes the societal roles of women as the experts in a feminine subject, such as rules of conduct; it subtly perpetuates patriarchal culture.

The application also says that the “sweetheart” is “treated with the utmost dignity and respect.”

This statement implies that this “dignity and respect” is only earned by the “sweetheart” because of her position in the fraternity.

Without this special position as “FIJI sweetheart,” the rest of the women on campus are undeserving of it.

Why would FIJI have to explicitly state this (if there weren’t thoughts otherwise)?

Let’s pretend a sorority had a “sweetheart” counterpart position for a man.

They wouldn’t have to say that the man in this position would be treated with respect because it is already assumed that he has respect.

It’s a classic example of male privilege preserved by institutions on campus.

Male dominance is status quo and society has normalized it to appear legitimate.

Even the name “sweetheart” is condescending.

So, what does this application mean for our campus?

It shows that gender inequality is still prevalent at Allegheny, regardless of our statement of community.

Gender inequality takes shape on campus through systems other than Greek Life as well.

For example, there have been only a handful of ASG presidents who were women in the 77 years of the student government history.

Actually, ASG has never had two women elected as president and vice president ever.

Another example of gender inequality happens within Allegheny’s Board of Trustees, which provides the majority of Trustee scholarships for students throughout their four years and make long term goals for students, faculty, and staff.

Over 70% of the college’s Board of Trustees is made up of men.

In order to have an “inclusive, respectful” community, we need to recognize our faults.

I would hate to see a social institution, such as FIJI, prolong sexism.

In fact, I would hate to see any of the fraternities continue their “sweetheart” positions without considering the implications.
That’s why I ask FIJI to change their “sweetheart” position.

If you want women positively participating in your fraternity, consider focus groups or workshops that discuss gender politics on campus and what you can do as an influential institution to change that.

FIJI, and Greek Life as a whole, has a lot of power that could stop gender inequality at Allegheny.

Theta Chi and Phi Delta Theta also have “sweethearts” but do not have an application process, instead they nominate women.
If keeping the “sweetheart” position means maintaining gender inequality, is it really worth it?

I’m aware that this position is not intended to be sexist or offensive to women, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t caused harm in the grand scheme of gender politics on campus.

Even if the position is meant to be empowering or complimentary for women because of the seemingly positive stereotypes, the application still cultivates patriarchal culture, and in turn, sexism.

Lack of conscious intent is not an excuse.

It’s 2013; let’s wake up.

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  • A

    agnostic treeMay 1, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    What is going on with this campus…. everything is made such a big deal 🙁

  • C

    Concered GDIApr 26, 2013 at 3:54 pm

    Were the members of The Campus asked to spam other articles to prevent this story from appearing in the “Most Commented” list?

    • T

      TooSnugInSchultzApr 26, 2013 at 7:16 pm

      Yes it is so obvious. Fiji must rise again and The Campus does not want to even consider that happening.

  • S

    Silas RobertsonApr 26, 2013 at 2:14 pm

    Hey, its on like Donkey Kong.

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:21 pm

      I love Donkey Kong

      • T

        Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:21 pm

        Wanna play with me?

        • T

          Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:21 pm

          Im not too good

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:21 pm

            But maybe we could be friends

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:21 pm

            I’d like that

        • N

          NotAScottMay 1, 2013 at 4:24 pm


    • N

      NotAScottMay 1, 2013 at 4:24 pm

      I want to play donkey kong!

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:41 pm

    This is better than the baby meme

  • I

    Illuminati SpotterApr 26, 2013 at 1:41 pm


    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:42 pm

      Maybe you are the mainstream media.

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:40 pm

    OMG yes

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Wait, I love pizza.

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    Especially if its from Confections of a Cake Lover

    • N

      NotAScottMay 1, 2013 at 4:25 pm

      I could really go for a cupcake

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:36 pm

    I love this man

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:28 pm

    HEY! did you know a fossil fuel free event is going on right now in the gator quad?!

  • B

    Beezer twelve WashingbeardApr 26, 2013 at 1:27 pm

    Tree Lover you rock my world…much love

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:27 pm

      I love rocks too hehe 😉

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    Sweet tarts > sweethearts

  • B

    Beezer twelve WashingbeardApr 26, 2013 at 1:24 pm

    True dat my dude

  • B

    Beezer twelve WashingbeardApr 26, 2013 at 1:24 pm

    What Up Silus?

  • S

    Silus RobertsonApr 26, 2013 at 1:24 pm

    Hey, listen here, work hard, nap hard.

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:28 pm

      OMG napping is so great

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      Silus, reply to my other comments 😉

  • S

    Silus RobertsonApr 26, 2013 at 1:23 pm

    Hey, you heard of a Mai Tai? This is a Si Tai. BAM.

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:24 pm


  • B

    Beezer twelve WashingbeardApr 26, 2013 at 1:23 pm

    this is unbelieveable

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:23 pm

      I like your last name. Can i add you on FB?

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:27 pm

      Unbeliebable! I love justin beiber

  • S

    Silus RobertsonApr 26, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    Hey listen here, forget Magnum P.I. I’m Magnum P.Si.

  • I

    I'mRonBurgundy?Apr 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

    “Children are our most valuable resource” – Kony

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:10 pm

      Child labor is not appropriate. However, if we use them to plant more trees on campus, that is acceptable.

      • G

        GreenIGoApr 26, 2013 at 1:44 pm

        Agreed, because trees are becoming less abundant and it sucks

        • T

          Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:09 pm

          we should plant more trees together

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:09 pm

            but first lets get kids to help us

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:10 pm

            that would be great

          • T

            Trees DadApr 26, 2013 at 2:25 pm

            Ill help

          • T

            TooSnugInSchultzApr 26, 2013 at 7:13 pm

            So will I. Schultz has an apparent lack of trees

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    Can the PA state tree be our sweetheart so we can bring it back to campus and we can save our state tree?! WHY DOES NO ONE CARE ABoUT THE TREES?!

    • S

      Shut Down EVERYTHINGApr 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

      Why does nobody care about our tree-sexual peers.

      • T

        Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:11 pm

        People want to keep these issues taboo. TRANSPARENCY ABOUT TREES ON CAMPUS NOW!

        • S

          Shut Down EVERYTHINGApr 26, 2013 at 1:40 pm

          But not too much transparency. Tree-sexuality is private and must be respected. Heteros can bugger off.

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:42 pm

            Thank you for respecting me and my family’s traditions. I greatly appreciate it. Much love.

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    wait, why doesn’t allegheny have a sweetheart?!

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    Can my cat be Allegheny Sweetheart? Allegheny should have a sweetheart.

  • G

    GoGreenApr 26, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    I am a caterpillar

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:08 pm

      I love caterpillars! Will you be a butterfly soon?

      • G

        GoGreenApr 26, 2013 at 1:11 pm

        Yes! In approximately 17.257215 seconds. Correct me if I have mistaken, but from your dialect you are, a triceratops?

        • T

          Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:20 pm

          SHHHH that was supposed to be a secret.

          • G

            GreenIGoApr 26, 2013 at 1:45 pm

            I would have to say it was your horns

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:10 pm

            I try to hide them as best I can

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:10 pm

            However, sometimes it is hard to hide them

          • T

            Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 2:10 pm

            They grow everyday

        • T

          Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:20 pm


      • T

        Trees DadApr 26, 2013 at 2:26 pm

        Can I watch?

  • B

    Bill MurrayApr 26, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    Dont get lost in translation. I dont know what this means, but dont get lost.

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

      I think i may be lost.

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    Sorry for all of the comments, but I really think there are bigger issues to focus on. Like why can’t my dog be FIJI sweetheart? Or my cat? Cats are great! My cat is a sweetheart.

  • A

    Allegheny StudentApr 26, 2013 at 1:05 pm


    Thank you for your opinion piece. It is an article that is backed with intelligence as well as integrity. The idea of a sweetheart is somewhat outdated and it also puts women in a very sexist role. It took a lot of courage to write this. Grazi

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    This is insignificant when we have real issues like fracking and the lack of trees on our campus.

  • T

    Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    What about the PA state trees?!

    • G

      GreenIGoApr 26, 2013 at 1:47 pm


  • I

    I'mRonBurgundy?Apr 26, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    I’m a man who discovered the the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That’s the kind of man I am. You’re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It’s science.

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

      Baxter, you know I don’t speak spanish.

      • T

        TooSnugInSchultzApr 26, 2013 at 7:12 pm

        Hables espanol?

    • G

      GreenIGoApr 26, 2013 at 1:48 pm

      I must see your evidence and the proper docutmentation

  • A

    April MayjunApr 26, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    What about bears I think you guys haven’t touched on bears! They will put the whole campus in danger!

  • G

    GoGreenApr 26, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    I believe that if you buy pistachios without shells you will go through them faster. Therefore I agree, this blatant use of sexism is severely inappropriate.

  • F

    FIJI National PresidentApr 26, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    Everyone one loves RoPE everyone one loves RoPE

    • C

      CreepyPeteApr 26, 2013 at 1:05 pm


  • F

    FIJI National PresidentApr 26, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    FIJI will take over Allegheny and then possibly get kicked off again for….. exactly what happened befoee

  • A

    April MayjunApr 26, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    Check out Camilo Anthony over here lol!

  • F

    FIJI National PresidentApr 26, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    We don’t like girls… guess who we like…

    • T

      Tree LoverApr 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

      CATS!?! TREES!? please tell me its trees.

    • S

      Shut Down EVERYTHINGApr 26, 2013 at 1:15 pm

      I need fellow tree-sexual peers accepting of my sexuality

  • M

    Manti TeoApr 26, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    As someone who got dumped by his imaginary girlfriend, I don’t think the idea of a sweetheart is right for the Allegheny community. Some people may think it is a nice gesture, however others like myself think its just pointless.

  • W

    WTFGDIsApr 26, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    Is this supposed to be a serious article? Because it looks like a goddamn joke. Literally the least funny joke I’ve ever heard. Its really obvious what’s going on here. Katie Beck didn’t get a bid to any sororities and now she’s going after Greek life. Literally, SO ORIGINAL. I’d be pretty upset if I was condemned to being a GDI for the rest of my life, but that doesn’t mean that you have to talk shit on the Greeks just because they’re better than you. The fact that no one on this campus recognizes the superiority of the Greeks is a massive joke, plain and simple.

  • M

    Michael JacksonApr 26, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    This is racist.

    • S

      SaulApr 26, 2013 at 8:37 pm

      Boo-F#cking-hoo. Life is racist…

  • C

    CreepyPeteApr 26, 2013 at 12:54 pm

    Anyway Fiji can convince females to get within a 10 mile radius of them without fear is probably a good thing for them.

    • S

      Shut Down EVERYTHINGApr 26, 2013 at 1:41 pm

      My milkshakes brings the girls to the yarddd

  • K

    Ken M.Apr 16, 2013 at 6:48 pm

    What if we changed the name to sweet-tart? Like the candy.

    • T

      TooSnugInSchultzApr 26, 2013 at 7:16 pm


  • Q

    Quinn KobelakFeb 14, 2013 at 4:03 am

    I really appreciate you sharing your story Lydia. It gives the article a helpful perspective and will hopefully spark positive dialogue. I appreciate all civil comments on this
    article. However, there were many comments fueled by seemingly emotional
    outbursts which obviously display how the commenter feels but just
    perpetuates a negative and unhealthy debate leading to a shared frustration.
    Allegheny College is a liberal arts institution that values civility
    and attempts to produce students who actively consider others’ perspectives. As a first-year, I am disenchanted that people have posted personally hurtful or angry irrationally charged comments that have only a vague reference to the article. This has becoming increasingly easy to accomplish without self-reflection under the veil of
    disconnect offered by the internet. We are all entitled to our opinions, but we also have a responsibility to respect others when we enter a conversation. Respectful, reflective, and open dialogue is the only productive way to debate and eventually find consensus-built solutions (hopefully). Ultimately, it’s a small college community. I’ll probably end up seeing you in the campus center tomorrow, so just shit on my comment in a respectful and dignified manner…
    and wipe please!

    • N

      Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:51 pm

      Your most likely wrong

  • L

    Lydia JonesFeb 14, 2013 at 1:10 am

    I would never attack an opinion piece, but as a member of Greek life and FIJI sweetheart applicant, I thought I had an opinion that also needed to be shared.

    This past chapter, we learned about our founder, Sarah Ida Shaw.
    She was influential in creating chapter bylaws, governmental structures, and
    expansions, not only within ∆∆∆ but helped other chapters at Boston University.
    I thought about how her ideals and her skill sets were something that I would
    like to exemplify.

    I decided to apply to be FIJI’s sweetheart for many reasons. The
    first is I thought I, like Sarah Shaw, could help and influence legislature
    being written within the fraternity. I have a very strong Greek presence and
    thus thought I would be able to assist in building bridges for FIJI within
    Greek life.

    The second reason was philanthropy. As current TriDelta
    philanthropy chair, I immerse myself in philanthropy and the things I can do to
    improve philanthropic efforts within Greek life.

    Finally, it was legacy. My grandmother was a Tridelt 70 years
    ago and still talks about how her and her friends were honored as sweethearts.
    One of the main aspects of being Greek is legacy and tradition. I am sure that
    FIJI chapters across the country have sweethearts and are they are treated with
    dignity and respect. Plus, resume builder?

    It has been written that the application to be a FIJI sweetheart
    is sexist and demeaning. I strongly believe that this depends on the answers,
    not the questions. Yes, if I told the fraternity that the reason I wanted to be
    their sweetheart was to sleep with them and do their homework for them, this
    would taking a very sexist role. But this is not what I answered. I do agree
    that it was sad they needed to write “treated with the utmost
    respect”, but the problem is, sometimes Sweethearts are not treated as
    such. They were not implying other girls are not treated with respect, they
    were easing the worries of applicants who have heard of other uses for
    Sweethearts at other schools.

    Katie states “Male dominance is status quo”. The thing is, in a
    Fraternity, males are dominant. Because those are their members. But in
    Sororities, women are dominant. Just this week, we needed two men to help us
    carry chairs up to the fourth floor, a task that they were willing to help
    with. It is unfair to say that a male helping a female is just but a girl helping
    to plan a philanthropy event is sexist.

    Every Fraternity cooks dinners for Sorority new members, as a
    sign of welcoming to the Greek community. Greek life does break stereotypes. In
    fact, letting a woman into the bond of brotherhood is the definition of the
    breaking of gender roles.

    In the same week I applied to be a tour guide and a FIJI
    sweetheart. The FIJI application had more questions and was more exhaustive. I
    was able to tell them my intents and how we could form a cohesive Greek bond.
    There were no check boxes about my looks, and no quizzes about which fork to

    In truth, I applied to be a FIJI sweetheart because I respect
    the men in the institution. I respect myself and I respect Greek life. Greek
    life has done so much for me over the past two years, I can only imagine how
    much happier I would be if I had twice the number of people to say hi to on

    Diversity and gender issues do need to be addressed on campus,
    but the previous article targeted not only a group, but individuals.
    Individuals like me who applied on a platform of philanthropy and the ability
    to break social norms. Individuals like the members of FIJI who just raised
    over $1,000 for the USO.

    FIJI has decided to get rid of the sweetheart position for now. I respect their decision, as they are new to campus and need to respect all opinions. However, I want everyone to know that sometimes individuals have good intentions that can be crushed by the mighty pen.

    • N

      Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:52 pm

      Not sure how you got that

    • N

      Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:52 pm

      Honesty as a nome I’m fairly sure that this is a non issue as we don’t have genders

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:25 am

      I am impressed by your strength and willpower to post with your real name. +1 to you.

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:25 am

      Way to keep it classy. I feel as if half the comments are just plain mean on here.

  • M

    Michael RussinFeb 13, 2013 at 12:20 pm

    I think that you’re looking too far into something that doesn’t need looking into. It is a completely baseless jab to suggest that because they include treating the “sweetheart” with dignity and respect that this implies that they are not willing to treat other women on campus with dignity and respect. Where in their mission statement, their behavior, or in anything else does it say that they think that other women aren’t deserving of respect? Does the application say “We only treat the sweetheart with dignity and respect?” No. It doesn’t, Katie. They merely say this because they want the applicants to know that if they are to take such a position within the fraternity that they will be treated with dignity and respect as a woman within an all-male organization. Again, I can’t stress enough how utterly foolish your assertion is in this area.
    I also don’t see how educating the brothers in “etiquette and respect” is some kind of propagation of the patriarchy. It almost seems at this point that you’re desperately clawing at a base for an argument but are completely unable to find one.
    If you want to write about something legitimate, you should have focused on the statistics about ASG and the Allegheny Board of Trustee’s instead of making rash generalizations and unfounded connections.

    • N

      Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:52 pm

      Nomes forever

  • J

    Jon WelshFeb 12, 2013 at 10:43 pm

    I really wish this article would have contained a link to the application. While the wording of the examples given is less than ideal, I would be willing to bet this is some stock application that either Fiji’s nationals provides or they took wording directly out of their bylaws concerning sweethearts. That being said, I’m not sure an application is the best way to determine a sweetheart, especially for such a young organization. A sweetheart should be an individual who has gone above and beyond to better and assist the organization even though they are not capable, for whatever reason, of achieving membership. On a side note, I’m truly confused how the term “sweetheart” is condescending. As somebody who was initiated into a Greek organization on this campus nearly six years ago, I’m comfortable saying it’s not something that is taken lightly or in any way meant to be condescending or demeaning to a woman.

    • N

      Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:53 pm

      Look a more important issue to nomes is where are the fraternities and sororities for us

  • C

    Casey BranthooverFeb 12, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    I’m ashamed that these people are outright targeting the author of an OPINION piece. Not only is a direct attack on a purpose shameful, but it does not provide any fruitful debate at all. Furthermore, for most individuals who say that this campus is diverse and inclusive are hilarious. Allegheny may be more diverse than the surrounding area, but it still has many issues on diversity it could work on. Those who don’t realize that are blind to larger structural issues on Allegheny College’s campus. Finally, what this piece is trying to say is that the FIJI organization is perpetuating stereotypes and that this happens throughout all Greek organizations as well as throughout the school. Instead, we should be fighting these stereotypes at all times and across all levels.

    • C

      Concerned Greek WomanFeb 12, 2013 at 11:09 pm

      To clarify, not ALL Greek organizations involve themselves with programs like this. Alpha Delta Pi, for example, does not have a “sweetheart”. So please stop generalizing Greek Life. If you have a problem with a specific organization, then let it stand as so. But don’t degrade all Greek institutions on campus because you have a problem with one or two chapters.

      • C

        Casey BranthooverFeb 12, 2013 at 11:57 pm

        I would like to apologize for generalizing to Greek Life, when in reality I should have generalized to campus organization in general. I wish no ill on all of Greek organizations and I realize my wording says otherwise. This is my formal apology and retractment of any negative statements I previously implied or said.

      • N

        Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:54 pm

        No but really with 4 fingers I can’t write well DIRT BIKE

    • N

      Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:54 pm

      You don’t understand as a nome it’s so hard to write about this

  • E

    Emily CherryFeb 12, 2013 at 8:57 pm

    It’s disappointing that the authors of all these emotionally charged responses have declined to post with their real names… because nothing says “I’m taking a strong stand on this issue that’s important to me” quite like an anonymous post. Anyone who wants to be taken seriously should begin by owning her/his opinion. If you are not willing to take responsibility for what you think, perhaps you have some re-evaluation to do.

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:23 am

      I agree +1 to you.

  • O

    Oscar Allen YeatsFeb 12, 2013 at 6:52 pm

    Can you get off your god damn soapbox for three seconds to come back down to reality? In no way does anyone in any Greek organization agree with anything thing you just spouted off. If you are really that willing to assume that FIJI is
    using its sweetheart as a means to only perpetuate these gender rules, you
    should be in a loony bin. Honestly, why the hell do a handful of y’all need to
    make everything seem so bad at this college? There are a handful of you here,
    and you disgrace the name of this college by making everything that happens
    into an issue of diversity and “oppression,” which is a load of horse shit. There
    is not a diversity problem on this campus, it’s something you like to think
    exists, probably because you can’t busy yourself with enough other things.

    The sweetheart *is* treated with the utmost dignity and respect, and if you honestly have a problem with that, you are, again, loony as hell. You are looking at this and
    only seeing what you want to see. What is wrong with a group of men having one
    girl who they want to be an integral part of their fraternity? To assert that
    dignity and respect is only given to a girl who wears the title (and not any
    other one) is completely preposterous and insane. Why would they state that she
    is treated with the utmost dignity and respect? BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT GENTLEMEN
    DO. They treat women with respect, especially one who is near and dear to them.
    You cannot tell me that you mother/father gets more respect than the typical
    man or women walking down the street. That’s a load of sh!t.

    Check your facts, because you’re wrong. Sororities do have a
    male position for this. It’s called Brother Hermes, and this position is, in
    fact, not treated with this “respect” at first. Key word, at first. They’ll
    yell at him, make him do embarrassing things, yada yada yada. It’s all in fun.
    Now, will Fraternities do this to their sweetheart? No. Absolutely not, because
    women don’t deserve that, but maybe they’ll ask them an embarrassing question
    or something.

    ASG doesn’t matter, stop jading yourselves people. They have
    no say in most things, get over it. Just because people aren’t electing women
    doesn’t mean there is a problem with the school, or even the people. People
    vote on who they know nine times out of ten. Board of Trustees? You honestly believe that this school is actively turning away women just because they are women? You truly are bat sh!t insane. If person X is more qualified than person Y, you hire them. It is not because of their gender, you twit-faced lolly.

    There is not “inequality” on this campus, especially within
    Greek Life, and if you think that these “issues” are showings of inequality/oppression,
    I shudder at the thought of how you will react in the real world. Get off your
    soap-box of nonexistent issues. Greek Life is supposed to be exclusive for a
    simple reason: it’s a secret society. That being said, there is not a single
    Greek Organization that is going to turn away any person because of any of
    their attributes. Males can only join Fraternities, Females can only join
    Sororities. That’s how it is. Why is that so fcking hard to grapple?

    Please do us all a favor and remove this post from my institution’s newspaper’s website. This is ridiculous, and is only feeding into the attention seeking drive that you, Ms. Beck, live on, supported by obscene actions of ludicrous statements.

    • L

      lee swaydisFeb 12, 2013 at 11:51 pm

      Hello Oscar!

      i want to address your comments first because they made me smile and gave me some new “bad” names to call people when they yell “faggot” at me. Given that your narrative is quite long, i’ll try to address as many issues you bring up in a few quick points.

      1) With regards to your question of why a handful of us need to make everything seem so bad at Allegheny and make everything into an issue of oppression… over 200 people signed a petition for the former diversity coalition. 10% of the campus seems like a pretty big handful.

      2) Not sure what you mean by saying “BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT GENTLEMEN DO.” Assuming that you consider yourself a GENTLEMAN, does calling Katie Beck “bad” names in an online college newspaper comment section something that gentlemen also inherently do too?

      3) so… men deserve yelling and embarrassment, but women don’t “deserve that?” what do i deserve? given that i identify as neither. or maybe i don’t want to know what you think a queer freak like i deserve?

      4) i agree that ASG controls very little, however, they do have access to a shit ton of $$ and thus have a bit of power to influence things

      5) Trustees aren’t hired, they are given their position based largely on the amount of $$ they give to the College. and considering that women only make 73 cents for every dollar men make for equal work in the U.S. men are given an unfair advantage to become rich and donate $$ to their old College.

      6) you state that greek life will not turn anyone away because of their “attributes.” does one of these attributes include money? maybe i’m just misinformed, but everyone has always told me that members of greek organizations must pay dues. seems like a pretty classist institution even if it is perfectly free of sexist oppression. i sure don’t have an extra $300 every year.

      7) in my experience, “Ms. Beck” has always been a very modest, kind, and thoughtful person who deserves all the attention she gets.

    • M

      Max LindquistFeb 15, 2013 at 11:25 pm

      If there is no oppression in the Greek System on campus why is it that FIJI won’t accept f2m or transgendered individuals to join their fraternity?

  • A

    Adam SmithFeb 12, 2013 at 5:59 pm

    Whenever my grandmother calls me a “sweetheart,” my first reaction is to promptly contact the ACLU to report gender discrimination. It’s absolutely disgusting that some people adhere to such intolerable mindsets that are highly offensive.

    • L

      lee swaydisFeb 13, 2013 at 1:13 am

      hi Adam,

      this is actually a great point that i’m super happy you thought to bring up. i feel like a ton of sexist ideology stems straight from the family unit. although we’ve all been undeniably socialized into sexism by a number of forces, the baseline for my own sexism was laid down by my own family. every time my Grandma gave me more food then my sisters because i was a “growing boy,” i internalized the idea that because i was a male, i not only needed, but i deserved more then females.

      i don’t want to target your grandma and say that she subconsciously planted the seeds of your own sexist ideology… but we all have our flaws.
      also note, i am not intolerable of my grandma, i love her and have lived in her house for a number of years, i simply don’t try to justify everything she’s ever done. also also, feminist critiques or anti-sexist opinion articles are usually only offensive to those unconscious of their own sexism.

      Peace and love from a follow-recovering sexist

      • A

        Adam SmithFeb 13, 2013 at 2:50 am

        Lee, your post is absolutely shocking and only goes to show how disgusting people are in our country and more importantly, at our school. You are obviously a sexist as you keep referring to my “genetically related humanoid” as “grandma” which creates the impression of being a “female.” How dare you say such absurd things! I am going to create such an outrage over this, you have no idea.

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:24 am

      I think this could have been phrased nicer. However, I think it brings up a good point that sweetheart is a term of endearment and should not be misconstrued as sexist.

  • C

    Camilo MatosFeb 12, 2013 at 4:24 pm

    I was astounded by the hostility and sarcasm of many of the comments written in response to this article. The one that got to me the most was “I’m appalled that The Campus even published this.” This article was published under the opinion section because it is an opinion. And in MY opinion, articles classified as such are meant to provoke discussion. As a former Gator myself, I know I didn’t always like what I read in The Campus (i.e. anything written by a certain conservative op-ed columnist whose initials are B.S.), but I also recognize the value in reading an argument I don’t agree with; chiefly, it helps me clarify for myself what it is I DO believe in. And I do believe that a campus-wide newspaper should publish different points of view in its op-ed column.

    The point is, people, don’t attack The Campus for publishing something you disagree with. Instead, write your own Letter to the Editor; I’m sure s/he’ll be happy to have it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll see your name in print, too.

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:21 am

      Bump, extremely important comment.

      • G

        GuestApr 27, 2013 at 12:59 pm

        dont bump something thats 2 months old

  • A

    allegheny studentFeb 10, 2013 at 11:27 pm

    i consider a sweet heart to be a woman that has morals and respects themselves…. a good representative of the frat

  • A

    AmazingFeb 9, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this article. You pointed out some major flaws within the sweetheart process such as: assuming a woman to be educated in manners and etiquette, treating the sweetheart with utmost dignity and respect, and the term sweetheart as being condescending. I am utterly amazed by your ability to determine that FIJI feels that no other woman on the entire campus deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. That is the only possible conclusion to draw from their statement that the sweetheart will be treated with utmost dignity and respect. Also, your ability to predict events that have not happened and how people would act left me awestruck. It was very impressive of you to determine that if sororities had a male sweetheart they would not have to include any statements about respect, because every sorority member already would assume that their sweetheart has respect. Mind reading and the ability to predict outcomes of events are two valuable journalistic qualities. I look forward to reading your next article in which I hope to be an apology for how absolutely ridiculous and unmerited this article was.

    • L

      lee swaydisFeb 13, 2013 at 12:54 am

      hello “Amazing,”

      i feel like you might be looking at this issue without taking into account the larger structural forces at play. for example, a likely reason Frat sweetheart apps include a statement about treating applicants with respect and dignity is because historically and herstorically frats have not treated women very well. According to figures from the late 1990’s, roughly 75% of on campus rapes nation wide occurred within frat houses. i am not saying that all frats are rapist, only that there is a correlation and herstory that must be recognized. understanding these sexist (and racist and heterosexist and classist) roots of historically white frats at allegheny is critical to combating these forms of discrimination in the future. That’s why the first identity that the post-apartheid South African Constitution recognizes is race. its herstory is so battered by racism that they felt it necessary to place race first in its list of identities not to discriminate against.
      back to the original idea, i feel like you should look at Katie Beck’s opinion piece in the context of this larger reality in which we find ourselves and take her critique of frats constructively given their sexist herstory. maybe establishing all gender greek organizations instead of more single gender organizations that hand out second-class citizenship to select members of other genders would be a step in a more constructive direction.

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:26 am

      Is it possible that they are not assuming that females are educated in manners and etiquette hence the application. They clearly know not all women deserve to be sweetheart.

  • G

    Greek Women support FIJIFeb 9, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    This article is absolute ludicrous.There was poor research behind the information. While I won’t disagree that there is perhaps sex inequality on campus- this starts as high up as the administration employee ratio. I’m not surprised that a non-greek member of our campus community would jump to such conclusions. The majority of the Greek communities on campus have a “sweetheart”, these positions are rooted in history and basically they’re just for fun. They are selected because an individual goes above and beyond to show a fraternity or sorority he or she supports the mission of said Greek organization. I think it is unjust to attack FIJI only. I think it is favorable that they have an application process, because at least that gives everyone a fair chance to know what they are selected on. Other organizations that nominate individuals can do so behind closed doors of the chapter room and the community at large has NO idea what is being say behind the reason for nominations. I will not assume that what is being said is derogatory- but it’s really less formal. Other fraternities in recent history have selected their sweetheart based on videos posted on social media- displaying women of campus soliciting themselves to be selected sweetheart. If that isn’t objectifying women- I don’t know what is.
    I personally am a member of Greek life- I know my chapter nominates men for our equivalent positions based on our criteria- personal development, character, leadership, financial responsibility and academic achievement. The same criteria we use to evaluate our potential new members. Many other Greek chapters do the same. It is extremely discouraging that our campus news media source would allow this article to run. It is fact deficit and completely unfair. It’s an injustice to attack solely FIJI– this is a new FIJI, new members, new responsible young men trying to develop a new image for their chapter. It is sad that these tremendous young men are still being penalized for something they had nothing to do with that happened decades ago. MOVE ON people. We should be welcoming the valiant efforts of these young men and supporting our Allegheny community members. If this article was intended to tackle sexism, it was a poor job- get all the facts- isn’t that what a journalist is taught to do? If this was intended to address equality for women- let’s get to the root of the issue- the institution as a whole. Deciding to attack a Greek historical tradition- that everyone knows is a fun, social, honor- was clearly not a sound platform to gain support on.

    • L

      lee swaydisFeb 13, 2013 at 12:18 am

      hello “Greek Women support FIJI,”

      i don’t agree with everything you’ve wrote, but i do agree that we should focus on the institution’s horrible record of sexism. The hierarchical structure of the College allows a bunch of rich white heteronormative men to control our school. i would love you speak more with you about building a movement on campus to eradicate sexism on an institutional level. please email me at [email protected] is you are interested in collaborating. thanks.

    • L

      Lee ScandinaroFeb 13, 2013 at 3:13 pm

      “these positions are rooted in history and basically they’re just for fun.” I respond to this by completely agreeing. Nothing in the history of the United States is rooted in racism or sexism, it is all just “fun.” (I hope people “Greek Women Support Fiji”, which is quite a long name by the way, can sense my sarcasm).

      • G

        GuestApr 27, 2013 at 12:59 pm


    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:23 am

      I feel as if your anonymous username may hide some important details about you.

  • W

    Where is the integrity?Feb 8, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    This was a baseless argument and I’m appalled that The Campus even published this. Where is the journalistic integrity?

    • T

      That phrase...Feb 12, 2013 at 10:49 pm

      “I do not think it means what you think it means.” Does there need to be “journalistic integrity?” It is a letter to the editor, and an opinion piece. it isn’t a report. It isn’t an editorial. She doesn’t make any insulting or outright prejudiced epithets (non name-calling). Your argument is thus invalid. Conversely, she has a valid point that an application stating a duty of the fraternity’s sweetheart is to “educate the brothers in etiquette and manners” not only implies that the applicant knows etiquette and manners but also that the brothers felt no need to learn them on their own or in any previous period, which does indeed continue gender stereotypes, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and no matter what the actual selection criteria of sweethearts is, or that it is “all in fun.” Hers is not a “baseless” argument.

  • A

    Allegheny WomanFeb 8, 2013 at 3:58 pm

    The FIJIs are trying to be INCLUSIVE by INCLUDING women in their fraternity. The FIJIs pointed out that the sweetheart will be treated with dignity because there is an existing negative stereotype that sweethearts are generally chosen based on the number of brothers with whom they’ve slept and that the sweethearts are treated as just a frat mattress. FIJI is trying to distance their future sweetheart from that stereotype while still including campus women in their organization. (Some of the sororities DO have male sweethearts too. You know how they choose their sweethearts? They make them do “manly” things like changing lightbulbs in their sorority suites. Whoever does the most for the sorority is the sweetheart. What’s sexist here is to constantly complain and complain about female stereotypes but then let the male stereotypes propagate.) If you don’t like the wording FIJI used, then don’t apply. Next you’ll be upset that women can’t pledge all-male fraternities or that the universal sign for a women’s restroom is a stick figure wearing a skirt.

    • E

      Emily CherryFeb 12, 2013 at 3:33 am

      This was a compelling argument until it began to reek of the sexist bullshit Katie Beck is speaking out against in the first place: “Next you’ll be upset that women can’t pledge all-male fraternities or that the universal sign for a women’s restroom is a stick figure wearing a skirt.” These are ridiculous examples and perpetuate the erroneous idea that anti-sexist activists are simply searching for things to be angry about (because anyone who knows even an inkling about Beck knows she has loads of time to sit around and pretend to be offended). Please. Reverting back to that sort of antiquated logic to support an argument is weak, to say the least. It is a
      shame that the author and the 24 people who supported the post are so opposed
      to critical evaluation of traditional institutions and the impact they have on
      our campus.

      • L

        lee swaydisFeb 13, 2013 at 12:05 am

        Hi Emily,

        i agree with every thing you’ve wrote except the first line. “Allegheny Woman’s” post was never compelling. don’t let them feel good about their exclusive institution. pretending to be inclusive with a token female sweet heart, while denying anyone membership who doesn’t have money is like having lettuce on top of your hamburger and calling yourself a vegetarian.

        • A

          Allegheny WomanMar 26, 2013 at 11:23 pm

          Fraternities have a lot of programming. Programming requires money, in the form of dues from members. They give scholarships to those who merit them. Wow…sounds a lot like the college you attend!

        • N

          Nomia foreverApr 26, 2013 at 12:57 pm

          Nomes don’t eat vegetables or meat we eat eggs only eggs

      • S

        Shut Down EVERYTHINGApr 26, 2013 at 1:42 pm

        Sexist bullshit is okay. Women are allowed to accuse all men of being sexual and blacks are allowed to be racist. We must keep the white man down if we know what is good for us.

    • I

      intriguedreaderApr 27, 2013 at 11:23 am

      Bump, valid argument.

      • G

        GuestApr 27, 2013 at 12:59 pm

        once again dont reply to 2 month old posts
