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The Campus

The student news site of Allegheny College

The Campus

The student news site of Allegheny College

The Campus

Why ‘Occupy?’

On a sunny Monday afternoon, a few dozen students sprawled out on the grassy Bentley lawn, talking, reading, laughing, even knitting in the late-summer warmth. It was a scene straight from an Admissions brochure, except for the graffiti scrawled on the historic red-brick administrative building in the background that read, “Civility Only Works If You’re Willing To Listen.” They were fighting words, from a contingent of quiet revolutionaries flying the Occupy flag.

Full disclosure: I was, and am, one of those Occupiers. I had received an email a few days prior with the intriguing subject line, “Thought you might be interested,” announcing an event intended both to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement as well as to raise awareness about more immediately relevant student concerns on the Allegheny campus, and I found myself swept up in the current of excitement: I’m a student, I have concerns, and I want them to be heard. On a campus that claims to foster intellectual development and community engagement but struggles to overcome the overwhelming apathy of youth, I thought this might finally be the catch-all that roused the student body en masse: a choose-your-own-cause adventure that excited environmentalists, political activists, underrepresented minorities, and vegans who want more dinner options in Brooks, alike. I was wrong.

As students at one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country, we are all relatively young, educated, physically safe, financially secure, intellectually stimulated, supported, and empowered along our individual paths to become functional, self-actualized Real Adults. These are significant privileges, and we are fortunate to have them. To complain almost seems ungrateful, but it is a far worse thing to take for granted advantages that allow us to advocate for progress. With great privilege, as Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben might tell him if he chose to matriculate to a four-year institution, comes great responsibility. Staking a claim on Bentley lawn is the first step.

Why Bentley? I like Joe DiChristina as much as anyone else, and a wave from President Mullen can absolutely make my afternoon, so why target their smiling faces for our campaign of discontent? At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what shallow encouragement they offer: they are ultimately representatives of an administration that too often nods, smiles, and politely turns away from our earnest appeals for change – or worse, solicits our opinions, then proceeds to make a decision that willfully disregards them. If I am Allegheny, it certainly doesn’t feel like it.

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As a unit, Occupiers are a motley crew of flag-bearers, advocating for administrative transparency, for representation in major institutional decisions, for better treatment at the health center, against the meager wages paid to dining and housekeeping employees, against the local tires-to-energy plant – the list goes on. One thing, however, unites the students who stood out on the grass together that day: we cared about something, and we cared enough to do something about it.

If you didn’t feel represented, that’s no one’s fault but your own. Maybe next time instead of looking straight ahead and away from your fellow students in discomfort as they peacefully enact an open-air sit-in that doesn’t actively disturb anyone but the bugs crawling through the grass at their feet, you could stop and listen. If you agree, offer someone your support. If you disagree, engage someone in discussion and explain why, instead of grumbling about it under your breath. If you couldn’t care less, then by all means, keep walking, but forfeit the opportunity to branch the divide between active participation and passive dissatisfaction.

If there’s a single legitimate complaint about Occupy that I can get behind, it’s that words aren’t enough.  The speeches made on Monday are gone already, the sounds of bitterness and frustration, and the ensuing sympathy and support, have faded irretrievably into the air, and this column may have minimal impact but that of ink on wood-pulp paper. What matters now is the action that ensues, the force whose momentum is derived from Monday’s initial push. Direct action is in our hands now, but it is in yours as well. Please take advantage of it.

Why Occupy? Because you’re still asking that question.

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  • U

    UnOccupy AlleghenySep 21, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    Can’t say I’m convinced. Words ARE not enough. The “Occupiers” may be willing to “hang out” for a few days, but the reality is that REAL change can only come from within. An external force, like Occupy, can act as a catalyst…but nothing will EVER get done until Students are willing to make actual sacrifices for their rights. Personally, I hold ASG completely responsible for this. Their pathetic attempts to quell our anger have been nothing less than insulting. They claim to “represent the students”, but they’re actually just the puppet organization of the administrative elite.

    The ASG President/Cabinet is more concerned with padding their resumes than they are enacting real change. Why? Simple: they don’t want to upset mommy (Joe D.) and daddy (President Mullen) in Bentley Hall. ASG should be FIGHTING for the masses of Allegheny, not handing out money (OUR MONEY…by the way) and planning lame events. A true deliberative body should represent the best interests of the students, regardless of the effect it has on those who are representing. Like the Shadow Government in the UK, ASG needs to act as if THEY are leading the school. An organization is only as powerful as the respect it gives itself….and ASG is sorely lacking any sort of internal (or external) respect.

    This “government” made up of students is a microcosm for the bigger issue here: Allegheny students are comfortable in their quaint little surroundings. They yell and scream about how they want change, but are rarely willing to take any sort of actionable measure to complete it. We want diversity, but we teach largely liberal ideals.

    Guess what? The real world is harsh. The real world is cold. And ultimately, your little protests just make it harder for the people with an ACTUAL agenda to make a difference. By dramatically provoking the entire endeavor, you have turned the process of change into a circus. Let me ask you this, Occupiers: if things are so bad, why haven’t you left? If you don’t want to leave, why didn’t you run for ASG? If you didn’t get into ASG, why don’t you show up to meetings ever week? AND….IF you show up to meetings every week, why are you failing so miserably at creating the change you so desperately desire??

    It was a cute gesture for those students to protest outside of Bentley, really. But what has it accomplished? {insert cricket noise here}

    The blame goes three ways:
    1) To the students, for remaining largely ignorant to their ignorance.
    2) To the administration, for remaining locked-in to what has “worked” in the past
    3) To ASG, for failing in leadership on ALL levels. Truly, this organization is a mockery of democracy.

    • O

      Occupational HazardSep 22, 2012 at 2:16 am

      “If you didn’t feel represented, that’s no one’s fault but your own.”

      If you think ASG is the problem, you should run. Be the change that you want to see on campus. I think what was so great about “Occupy” was that it made an effort to discuss and understand before it jumped into action. “Occupy” was a chance for students not to heir grievances, but, a chance to inform and become informed about issues that were global and issues that are incredibly local. I think the problem with protests today is that they are far too exclusive. Why work on solving one thing in a group of semi-passionate people when you can choose to network many groups of incredibly passionate people not rallying under one banner (or one leader). I think that Occupy is only a first step and it shouldn’t be passed off because it hasn’t pigeon-holed itself into one niche issue.

    • A

      AmusedSep 28, 2012 at 12:37 pm

      Since you apparently have a much better understanding of ASG’s role than anyone else, what SPECIFICALLY would you like to see ASG do? Without legitimate suggestions, your words remain shallow and nothing short of whining.
