The season of the bull

Taurus (April 20–May 20)
Happy Birthday Taurus! Everyone’s favorite Earth Sign gets not one, but two eclipses during this season. Starting strong with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 20, you will see Jupiter enter your 12th House of Secrets and Uncertainties on April 22. I hope you spent time on centering yourself and manifesting like I told you to last month, because you are going to need it.

Thankfully, Venus — your ruling planet — will enter your Second House of Wealth and Family on May 2, bringing you extra coin and family-like support from those around you, should you choose to accept it. A Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 will help see those early manifestations and hard work come to fruition. Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You have definitely earned it.


Gemini (May 21–June 21)
Although this season is starting out rough for you, Gemini, stay prepared for a sharp turn in your favor as we enter May. Mercury, your ruling planet, will begin its retrograde on April 21 and continue until it goes direct in your 12th House of Secrets and Uncertainties on May 15. These are not easy terrains to travel, but keep your chin up. With Jupiter in your Eleventh House of Income and Wealth starting April 22, you can expect your finances to stabilize amid the chaos of your life.

Venus will soon after enter your First House of Self and Personality on May 2, helping you gain a stronger understanding of yourself through the struggles you have faced. As a nice bonus, Mars will enter your Second House of Wealth and Family on May 10, bringing in some extra cash and support from those closest to you. Good luck! You have this in the bag.


Cancer (June 22–July 22)
There’s a lot of powerful lunar energy in store for you this season, Cancer. Starting with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 20, this is an amazing time to get outside and plant your feet in the dirt. Whether it is meditation with nature or a picnic with your besties on the quad, enjoy the sunny days to their fullest.

When Jupiter enters your 10th House of Work and Career on April 22, keep an eye out for especially enticing openings or opportunities to move up. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 will see your efforts and drive starting to pay off. If you have been keeping up with studying, you can expect good results from your finals. Finally, the Sun will enter your 11th House of Income and Wealth on May 15. Maybe it is a nice signing bonus from that job listing you saw. Either way, extra cash will not hurt.


Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)
It is shaping out to be a good season for you, Leo. You are starting off strong with Jupiter entering your Ninth House of Luck and Fortune on April 22, bringing some found-money or a surprising scratch-off ticket. When Mars enters your 12th House of Secrets and Uncertainties on May 10, that prior good luck and fortune will come in handy, helping to support you through uncertain times. Do not worry, though.

When the Sun — your ruling planet — enters your 10th House of Careers and Professions on May 15, your job-hunt and project stress will see some much-needed sunlight, bringing you a sense of understanding and inner-peace with your work. Stay focused and stay hydrated. You will get through it!


Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Similar to many of your other signs this season, you are going to have quite the mixed bag, Virgo. To start, your ruling planet Mercury will begin its retrograde on April 21 and will continue to cause confusion in your life until May 15. At the same time, Jupiter will enter your Eighth House of Intimacy and Transformation on April 22, possibly causing conflict or inner-turmoil about your sense of identity or closeness with others this season.

However, it is not all doom and gloom. Venus will enter your 10th House of Work and Career on May 2, bringing some much-needed support and stability from the people you are closest to. Mars will then provide a nice boost to your 11th House of Income and Wealth on May 10, and The Sun will grant you some good luck when it enters your Ninth House on May 15. This is not going to be an easy season for you, but the reward for getting through will be extremely worth the wait.


Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
The stars are in your favor this season, Libra! Jupiter, in all its power and force, will enter your Seventh House of Marriage and Partnerships on April 22, bringing you a new person of interest, or strengthening a connection you already have. Venus — your ruling planet — will then enter your Ninth House of Luck and Fortune on May 2.

Get ready to rake in the love and luck the universe is preparing for you. Mars will enter your 10th House of Career and Professionalism on May 10, and following shortly thereafter the Sun will enter your Eighth House of Intimacy and Transformation on May 15. With all of these powerful planets rooting themselves in such positive houses, you are truly in your Healing Era. Enjoy it!


Scorpio (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Like your neighbor Libra, this looks like a very positive season for you, Scorpio! Starting out strong with a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your sign on May 5, expect for emotions to be at an all-time high, whether good or bad. The veil to the other side will be at its thinnest during the eclipse, so take the time to treasure those who have passed on and celebrate their positive impacts on your life.

When Venus enters your Eighth House of Intimacy and Transformation on May 2, take the energy you gather during the eclipse and direct it inward. Be kind to yourself and listen honestly to your thoughts and feelings, no matter how small. This is a time for self-reflection, but only in the service of healing yourself and others. In return for your hard work, Mars will enter your Ninth House of Luck and Fortune on May 10, helping give you a boost into the next season of your life.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Finals time is upon us all, but Jupiter is helping to give you a boost this semester, Sagittarius. When your ruling planet enters your Fifth House of Education on April 22, take it with all the drive you can muster. Now is the time to lock yourself in the library or at your desk until your final projects and papers are done. At least take this time to make yourself some outlines and schedules to keep to.

When Venus enters your Seventh House of Marriage and Partnerships on May 2, prepare for an abundance of love and support, whether from a partner or the group you are presenting a final with. Mars will enter your Eighth House of Intimacy and Transformation on May 10, helping you stay connected with those you hold closest while growing for the better. The Sun’s dip into your Sixth House of Health and Wellness on May 15 will help you see the final spoils of your labor. Take these post-semester weeks to recharge your body and mind. They need it.


Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
It looks like a fairly cushy season for you, Capricorn. But, you have to let yourself enjoy it to reap the benefits. Mercury’s retrograde from April 21 to May 15 will be difficult for us all, but you will have quite the arsenal to handle it with. King Jupiter will enter your Fourth House of Comforts and Luxury on April 22, offering some retail therapy in these troubling times. Maybe it is a good thrift-store-find that you have been looking for.

Venus will then enter your Sixth House of Health and Wellness on May 2 followed by The Sun entering your Fifth House of Education on May 15. Stay mindful of the wear and tear constant grind puts on your mind and body. Like Sagittarius, post-graduation will be an excellent time to shift focus inward and take care of yourself for once.


Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Be careful not to let finals escape you, Aquarius. While Jupiter’s appearance in your Second House of Wealth and Family on April 22 will bring a nice surprise of cash and friends begging you to go out with them, do not lose yourself to the warm weather and party-season just yet.

Venus and Mars will both enter your Fifth House of Education on May 2 and 10 respectively, helping to give you a boost in drive and renewed interest in your studies if, and only if, you apply yourself to working on them. Hunker down with an accountability buddy and some fun snacks for hefty study sessions and work-hours. The Sun will shine on your Fourth House of Comforts and Luxury starting May 15, so use it as a motivator to apply yourself while you have the time.


Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)
This season is looking to be a fairly easy one for you, Pisces. Jupiter will enter your Second House of Wealth and Family on April 22, bringing you a lot of love and support from loved ones, followed by Venus’s entrance in your Fourth House of Comforts and Luxury on May 2.

These pre-finals blessings will help carry you through the intense focus Mars will grant when it enters your Fifth House of Education on May 10. Enjoy your final weeks of the semester. You deserve it.


Aries (March 21–April 19)
Although it is no longer your birthday month, the Universe is still offering you gifts this Taurus season, Aries. Jupiter will enter your First House of Self on April 22, helping you center yourself and start to feel the confidence you should already have. When Venus enters your Third House of Communication on May 2, take some extra time to reach out to those you could not be with on your birthday. A check-in is usually appreciated.

Mars — your ruling planet — will enter your Fourth House of Comforts and Luxury on May 10, followed shortly thereafter by The Sun entering your Second House of Wealth and Family on May 15. Post-birthday cash and sales on that pair of shoes you have been eyeing are on your horizon. Go have some fun with the people you care about most.