ASG discusses first-year elections
Student government swears in proxies, discusses diversity
Allegheny Student Government swore in their new proxies and discussed their current finances, constitutions and diversity at their latest general assembly meeting in the Henderson Campus Center Tuesday, Sept. 11.
John Seiber was sworn in as a proxy for the class of 2019, and Zach Rohan was sworn in as a proxy for the class of 2020 (for the fall semester). The class of 2021 is still working on nominating its proxy.
“(At our class meeting) we will be discussing our multiple nominees for a proxy senator … and hopefully tonight we will be able to come to a verdict,” said Emma Godel, class of 2021 president. The class of 2021 had its class meeting right after the general assembly meeting.
Along with the proxy discussion, ASG also discussed the first constitution they received from the Allegheny Women’s Club Soccer team. The team was represented by Hannah Kitchen, ’20, at the meeting. The members of ASG could ask any questions they had.
Noah Dawgiello, ‘19, asked whether an investment into cleats would be necessary.
“You can play in your tennis shoes, so now you have no excuse not to come,” Kitchen answered.

Allegheny Student Government held its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018. ASG swore in class proxies and discussed the upcoming elections.
Responding to an email sent to all Allegheny students about a bias incident that occured on campus, ASG’s diversity and inclusion committee gave a report on how they hope to be a part of the solution.
“We talked about having a meeting where all the presidents or their representatives of their organizations would come, and it would be like a town hall,” said Faith Simms, ’19, director of inclusion and diversity. “then we can stop these incidents from happening.”
First-year senate elections were discussed due to them coming up at the end of the week. The running first-year students gave speeches at Grounds For Change at 5 p.m. on Wednesday and elections were held Thursday, Sept. 13, and Friday, Sept. 14.
It was also mentioned that David Roach, ‘21, who updated ASG’s new website will also be helping create a new website for GFC.
Associate Dean for Wellness and ASG adviser Gretchen Beck ended the meeting with a small report on the upcoming Title IX listening circles.
“I forgot the flyer, but Title IX will be doing listening circles, and they’re putting flyers and things up … and we will get that information out to you,” Beck said.
ASG holds its general assembly meetings at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays in Campus Center room 301/302 and its meetings are open to the public. The ASG first year elections are all day Thursday Sept. 13, and Friday Sept. 14. Students can vote on WebAdvisor or are also allowed to vote in the Campus Center at designated tables and laptops. Students were also invited to hear the first year senators speak at 5 p.m. in GFC last Wednesday.