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The student news site of Allegheny College

The Campus

The student news site of Allegheny College

The Campus

Meghan Hayman, Senior Photo Editor

Meghan Hayman is a senior majoring in Creative Nonfiction Writing and minoring in Journalism in the Public Interest with a focus in photojournalism. She joined the staff in 2014 as a junior photo editor. She has experience with photography, radio and audio. Friends is her favorite TV series. She studied abroad in Cologne, Germany to generate new experiences and stories for her senior comp as well as building an international portfolio. She wants to take your picture, but please don’t take hers.



All content by Meghan Hayman
Peter Pan, played by Luke Davis, ’16, and the Lost Boys rejoice for their new mother Wendy, played by Emily Wilson, ’19, at dress rehearsal on Wednesday, April 20, 2016.

[Photo] ‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ move to Neverland

Eylie Buehler, Features Editor April 21, 2016

Peter Pan, played by Luke Davis, ’16, and the Lost Boys rejoice for their new mother Wendy, played by Emily Wilson, ’19, at dress rehearsal on Wednesday, April 20, 2016.

Yonas dances during his performance at the Major Events Concert on March 5, 2016.


Angela Mauroni and Christina Bryson March 10, 2016

Yonas dances during his performance at the Major Events Concert on March 5, 2016.

Delta Tau Delta performs the macarena during their performance for SAMs in Shafer Auditorium on Thursday March 10, 2016.  DTD and Delta Delta Delta won the event.

[Photo] Annual dance-off raises funds for multiple sclerosis

Eylie Buehler and Rachel Belson, Features Editor and Contributing Writer March 10, 2016

Delta Tau Delta performs the macarena during their performance for SAMs in Shafer Auditorium on Thursday March 10, 2016. DTD and Delta Delta Delta won the event.

Hannah Firestone, ‘19, decorates one of the paper lanterns available on the many tables set up for the Chinese Lantern Festival in the Campus Center lobby on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016.

[Photo] Lantern Festival floats into campus culture

Dalton Finnell, Contributing Writer February 25, 2016

Winly Mai, ‘18, performs a ribbon dance for the Chinese Lantern Festival, which focused on celebration and reunion with family and friends.

Dan Keitel, ’17, Rachael Robertson, ’17, Karina Mena, ’16, and Bolan Marshall-Hallmark, ’17, four of the eight actors in ”Mr. Burns,”do a scene with busts of characters from “The Simpsons” on Feb. 24, 2016.

[Photo] Playshop brings post-electric world to Vukovich stage

Logan Battin, Contributing Writer February 26, 2016

Bolan Marshall-Hallmark, '17, Rachael Robertson, '17, played Scratchy and Itchy in "Mr. Burns, a post-electric Play" from Thursday, Feb. 25 to Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016.

Maggie Dugan, ’18, paints the face of Elsie Hendricks, ’18, during Karneval on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016. Both students studied abroad in Cologne, Germany last semester and experienced Karneval in the city.

[Photo] German house hosts Karneval

Eylie Buehler, Features Editor February 18, 2016

Students eat potato salad, sausages and pretzels at the event on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016 in the campus center.

Attendees circled in groups in the Schultz Banquet Hall for discussions focused on topics such as inclusion, retention and the college’s statement of community as part of the Sustained Dialogues event on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016.

[Photo] College seeks to improve attendance at community events

Angela Mauroni, News Editor February 11, 2016

Attendees circled in groups in the Schultz Banquet Hall for discussions focused on topics such as inclusion, retention and the college’s statement of community as part of the Sustained Dialogues event...

Emma Pellicano, ’16, takes a shot against Oberlin College on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016. The Gators finished the game with a winning score of 61-49 against the Yeowomen.

[Photo] Gators win 61-49 over Oberlin College

Shea Beaumont, Contributing Writer February 11, 2016

Emma Pellicano, ’16, takes a shot against Oberlin College on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016. The Gators finished the game with a winning score of 61-49 against the Yeowomen.

Kirk Nesset's attorney, Meagan Temple, speaks with the news outside of the Federal District Court building following the sentencing of the former Allegheny College professor on Feb. 8, 2016

[Photo] Former professor sentenced to 76 months on child pornography charges

Angela Mauroni and Joseph Tingley February 8, 2016

Kirk Nesset's attorney, Meagan Temple, speaks with the news outside of the Federal District Court building following the sentencing of the former Allegheny College professor on Feb. 8, 2016

Vigil kicks off Black History Month

Vigil kicks off Black History Month

Meghan Hayman, Senior Photo Editor February 4, 2016

Nia Burnett, ’17,  vice  president  of  Advancement for Black Culture, passes on her flame along with President Imani Prince, ’16, Black Heritage Month Chair Autumn Parker, ’16, and Elijah Prince,...

College chaplain Jane Ellen Nickell gives a sermon relating to the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. in Ford Chapel when Reverend Irene Monroe was not able to come due to in-climate weather on Jan. 24, 2016. The sermon was part of a week-long observance dedicated to the life and activism of King.

[Photo] MLK celebrations bring diverse groups together

Alex Weidenhof, Junior News Editor January 28, 2016

College chaplain Jane Ellen Nickell gives a sermon relating to the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. in Ford Chapel when Reverend Irene Monroe was not able to come due to in-climate weather on Jan. 24,...

Greek organizations gather in Brooks circle for Run-Out on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016 to introduce and welcome their new members to Allegheny Greek Life.  Alpha Chi Omega sorority releases balloons every year as a part of their ritual. Greek life on campus represents more than 150 years of service, tradition and community according to the Allegheny College website.

[Photo] Greek life welcomes new members

January 28, 2016

Greek organizations gather in Brooks circle for Run-Out on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016 to introduce and welcome their new members to Allegheny Greek Life. Alpha Chi Omega sorority releases balloons every...

Senior art projects are on display in the Bowman-Penelec-Megahan Art Galleries from April 21 to May 8, 2015. In the foreground is a scultpure created by Sachika Yamaguchi, ‘15, made of 1.1 million tooth picks on foam.

[Photo] Senior art projects displayed in Doane

Yutong Wang, Shu-Yi Tang, Junior Photo Editor, Contributing Writer April 23, 2015

Senior art projects are on display in the Bowman-Penelec-Megahan Art Galleries from April 21 to May 8, 2015. In the foreground is a scultpure created by Sachika Yamaguchi, ‘15, made of 1.1 million tooth...

M. Soledad Caballero, associate professor of English, spoke to students, faculty and members of the Meadville community about conceptualizations of masculinity and the dynamics between Britain and South America  in the Campus Center on April 15, 2015.

[Photo] Professor examines colonialism’s influence

Eylie Buehler, Opinion Editor April 21, 2015

M. Soledad Caballero, associate professor of English, spoke to students, faculty and members of the Meadville community about conceptualizations of masculinity and the dynamics between Britain and South...

Students who participated in the First-Generation Group Kickoff Dinner get the opportunity to talk about their experiences, using the discussion cards.

[Photo] First-generation dinner explores opportunities

Christina Bryson, News Editor April 16, 2015

Ryan Pickering, assistant professor of psychology, and Aline Lo, assistant professor of English, speak to students and faculty who attended the first-generation dinner on April 16, 2015.

Karishma Reddy, ’16, vice president of the Pre-Health Club, places cotton swabs used to collect DNA in a swab kit. The community was invited to sign up to be in the bone marrow registry in the campus center on Tuesday, April 7.

[Photo] Be The Match hosts bone marrow registration event

Brittany Adams, Contributing Writer April 9, 2015

Karishma Reddy, ’16, vice president of the Pre-Health Club, places cotton swabs used to collect DNA in a swab kit. The community was invited to sign up to be in the bone marrow registry in the campus...

JaDE performers practice their dance for the benefit concert this Saturday March 28 at 7 p.m. in Shafer Auditorium. It is the 8th annual concert benefiting  the Crawford County Special Olympics.

[Photo] Allegheny dance club gives concert to benefit Special Olympics

Eylie Buehler, Junior Features Editor March 26, 2015

JaDE performers practice their dance for the benefit concert this Saturday March 28 at 7 p.m. in Shafer Auditorium. It is the 8th annual concert benefiting the Crawford County Special Olympics.

Actors bring to life the play directed by Peter Bergman, ’15, in the Little Theater in Arter Hall this weekend. S.E.T. will perform on March 7 at 8 p.m. and March 8 at 2:30 p.m.

[Photo] ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead’ debut

Eylie Buehler, Junior Features Editor March 5, 2015

Actors bring to life the play directed by Peter Bergman, ’15, in the Little Theater in Arter Hall this weekend. S.E.T. will perform on March 7 at 8 p.m. and March 8 at 2:30 p.m.

 A.J. Long, ’15, Chris Schuchert, ’15, and Sean McClain, ’18,  argue during the first act of the play, “Clybourne Park,” which opens this weekend.

[Photo] ‘Clybourne Park’: civil rights takes center stage

Eylie Buehler, Junior Features Editor February 26, 2015

A.J. Long, ’15, Chris Schuchert, ’15, and Sean McClain, ’18, argue during the first act of the play, “Clybourne Park,” which opens this weekend.

Chinese students roll rice balls and drink soda during the festival.

[Photo] International students celebrate Asian Spring Festival

Arianna, O’Connell February 19, 2015

Chinese students roll rice balls and drink soda during the festival.

Professor Elizabeth Ozorak and Louise Silk hold one of Silk’s quilts after her presentation on Wednesday Feb. 4.

Artist: quilts tell stories

Meghan Hayman, Photo Editor February 5, 2015

  Fiber artist Louise Silk completed her first quilt in 1972. A local of Pittsburgh, Silk gave a presentation showcasing well-known works throughout the history of quilting on Wednesday, Feb. 4. “[The...

Julia Bartlett, '16, and Ally Bartlett, '16, listen to Sue Anderson tell a story about her dog, Danny, during the spring semester's first therapy dog visitation on Monday Feb 2, 2015.

Therapy dogs visit campus for the first time this semester

Meghan Hayman, Photo Editor February 5, 2015

At the beginning of each month students gather in Reis Hall to pet, hug and play with several of Allegheny’s therapy dogs. This month Isaac, Lily and Danny welcomed their visitors with the always happy...

Trey Durst, ‘16, performs original songs during Grounds For Change’s first Open Mic Night for the spring semester on Jan. 29.this is a caption.

[Photo] GFC hosts first Open Mic Night of spring semester

Madison Sieber, Contributing writer January 29, 2015

Trey Durst, ‘16, performs original songs during Grounds For Change’s first Open Mic Night for the spring semester on Jan. 29.this is a caption.

Nafisa Alieva (right) had books on the English language at the English speaking conversation table, and shared them with Rebecca Dickinson (left). At the first ever international conversation tables, there was ready an English converstaion table and a Spanish conversation table.

[Photo] International discussion tables held for first time

Angela Mauroni, Science/International Editor January 29, 2015

Nafisa Alieva (right) had books on the English language at the English speaking conversation table, and shared them with Rebecca Dickinson (left). At the first ever international conversation tables, there...

Yuchun Huang has noticed a distinct independent nature in students since coming to America and feels it gives many of them confidence.

[Photo] Yuchun Huang recognizes American differences in social norms

Angela Mauroni, Science/International Editor January 29, 2015

Yuchun Huang has noticed a distinct independent nature in students since coming to America and feels it gives many of them confidence.

Katharina Schulz came to America from Cologne, Germany for a semester of teaching and studying with the Pennsylvania Colleges in Cologne program.

[Photo] German teaching assistant completes first semester at Allegheny

Angela Mauroni, Science/International Editor December 4, 2014

Katharina Schulz came to America from Cologne, Germany for a semester of teaching and studying with the Pennsylvania Colleges in Cologne program.

The men huddle to get pumped up before running on to the court for their game against Thiel College on Nov. 22.

[Photo] Gators beat Tomcats after snowy delay

Emerald Wright-Collie, Staff writer November 23, 2014

The men huddle to get pumped up before running on to the court for their game against Thiel College on Nov. 22.

Travels delayed due to ice and snow

Meghan Hayman, Photo Editor November 22, 2014

Students who studied abroad submitted photos from their experiences to the  program’s photo contest. Those who attended the International Coffee Hour in Reis Hall voted on his or her favorite on Nov. 19.

[Photo] Allegheny celebrates International Education Week

Meaghan Wilby, Staff Writer November 21, 2014

Students who studied abroad submitted photos from their experiences to the program’s photo contest. Those who attended the International Coffee Hour in Reis Hall voted on his or her favorite on Nov....

Julie Copenhaver, ‘16, holds an ice cream cone for Craig Dinwoodie, ‘16, while he fills out a quiz during an ice cream social hosted by the College Republicans during election evening on Nov. 4.

[Photo] Student political organizations encourage voter participation

Claire Teague, Features Editor November 6, 2014

Julie Copenhaver, ‘16, holds an ice cream cone for Craig Dinwoodie, ‘16, while he fills out a quiz during an ice cream social hosted by the College Republicans during election evening on Nov. 4.

Izaak Miller, ’18, passes the ball down the field during the game against Wittenberg University. The Gators lost 2-1 in the final game of the season.

[Photo] Men’s soccer makes coach winningest in program and beats DePauw for first time

Alex Holmes, Sports Editor November 6, 2014

Izaak Miller, ’18, passes the ball down the field during the game against Wittenberg University. The Gators lost 2-1 in the final game of the season.

Caitlin Kearney, ’18, joined other students and faculty in creating encouraging signs for Collage for Change.

Queers and Allies hosts Coming Out Week Activities

Meghan Hayman, Photo Editor October 23, 2014

Queers and Allies kicked off this year’s Coming Out Week with a barbecue at their house on Oct. 20, 2014. The organization plans the week of activities around the date of National Coming Out Day, which...

The football team lost 37-9 to Oberlin College during the Bicenntenial Homecoming weekend  Following the game, the team gather on the field for their post-game meeting. The team has a current record of 1-5 and has not won a home game since 2012. The team will face DePauw University on Sat. Oct. 25, at 1 p.m. at Frank B. Fuhrer Field.

[Photo] Gator football falls 37-9 to Oberlin during Bicenntenial Homecoming weekend game

Alex Holmes, Sports Editor October 23, 2014

The football team lost 37-9 to Oberlin College during the Bicenntenial Homecoming weekend Following the game, the team gather on the field for their post-game meeting. The team has a current record of...

The Wingmen 2.0, a last minute entry, triumphed over their rival teams, The Delts, The Blue Wings and Team Owen  on Saturday, Sept. 27 as part of the annual wingfest.

Four thousand wings for Wingtennial Weekend

Amasa Smith and Meghan Hayman October 2, 2014

The Gator Quad sported several tables and four thousand wings for the annual Wing Fest event, hosted by Gator Activities Planning. Students gathered to collect their free T-shirts and wandered down the...

A federal search warrant was executed on Oct. 1, 2014 authorizing the search of Kirk Nesset's residence in Meadville, Pa. His computer was seized and approximately 550,000 jpg or movie files containing child pornography were found, according to the United States District Court For The Western District of Pennsylvania affidavit in support of criminal complaint.

Professor charged with obtaining and distributing child pornography

Sam Stephenson and Meghan Hayman October 1, 2014

Updated at 7:07 p.m. on Oct. 2, 2014. Kirk Nesset, professor of English, 57, was charged with one count of receipt and distribution of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography...

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