8 Hour Art Streak
The Year of Meadville theme provides inspiration for annual art show
Jen Cooney and Caldwell Linker sew beads on a photograph of a home. The beads were sewn in specific places on the photograph to emphasis certain areas.

Alicia Marvan works on her piece, based on her interests in birds and insects.

Byron Rich, art professor, did not know what he initially wanted to do for his piece. He wanted to emphasis the fact that art can be spontaneous.

Steve Prince, art professor, crosshatches a print in his third 8 Hour Project. He wanted to focus on our current place in history through his art.
The 8 Hour Projects took place on Saturday, Sept. 5 in The Bowman Penelec Megahan Art Galleries of Allegheny College in the Doane Hall of Art. The college hosted 10 artists to create a piece in a 12-by-12 gallery space in the span of eight hours. The artists were asked to consider the Year of Meadville’s themes, home or place, while working on their projects. The works created will be on display in the gallery through Sunday, Sept. 20.