Contributing Writer

The band Hellogoodbye will perform at Allegheny on Nov. 5 as part of GAP’s entertainment events schedule for the year.
The concert will be held in Shafer Auditorium. Tickets will go on sale the day after fall break and will be sold for $5 each. The first day of ticket sales are buy one, get one free.
GAP President Natalie Curtis said the organization decided to bring a more well-known band to campus this year instead of the smaller bands that the majority of students were unfamiliar with.
In order to increase student excitement and participation, GAP agreed to bring a more popular band to campus.
“We’re hoping Hellogoodbye brings a larger student body audience interested in coming to the event,” Curtis said.
Hellogoodbye was chosen from a list of possible bands in the given price range. Curtis said the 233 members of GAP received an e-mail asking them to choose the band they would most like to see.
The majority of those that responded said Hellogoodbye was their number one choice and GAP finalized the decision.
Curtis also wanted to stress that this is not the major concert of the semester.
There will be other concerts and events in addition to Hellogoodbye, although no other events have been announced.