ASG winds down club voting

Sustainable Design Team approved in second round of voting, Consulting Club passes first round

Allegheny Student Government began this week’s general assembly at 7:31 p.m. in room 301/302 of the Henderson Campus Center.
Director of Communications and Press Ryder Sullivan, ’23, announced that she would be making posts that week for upcoming budget hearings.
Director of Sustainability and Environment Andi Reiser, ’23, thanked everyone who helped with tabling in the campus center lobby for the menstrual cup giveaway.
As Director of Community Relations Kyrié Doniz, ’23, stated, the business of the week was French Creek Coffee and Tea Co., located at 285 Chestnut Street. Those who mention they are a student at Allegheny will receive a 20% discount.
Director of Organizational Development Crystal Hernandez, ’23, reminded everyone to sign up for the ASG formal, to take place in two weeks. She would be sending out an email regarding behavior expectations.
The window for voting on clubs is coming to a close, as Attorney General Jack Parker, ’22, and the rest of this academic year’s cabinet will soon be making way for the next academic year’s cabinet.
“We don’t want to have things that are crossing over, as far as votes go,” Parker said.
With that addressed, Parker re-introduced Ashlynn Peachey, ’23, leader of the Sustainable Design Team, to talk about her organization again for the second round of voting.
After Peachey outlined SDT’s initiatives, adding that members had planted 35 trees and shrubs in the food forest outside the Carrden since last GA, a motion to approve the club for the second round of voting was passed.
Parker also introduced Logan Koontz, ’23, a representative of the Consulting Club, to discuss his organization. The goal of the organization is to reach out to Meadville businesses and make discounts like those offered at French Creek more common. Not only would students be able to enjoy paying a lower price on account of being students, he explained, but this increased patronage would bring in more revenue for these businesses.
“I want to strengthen the ties bridging the community and the students,” Koontz said. “I think there’s a big gap between restaurants and businesses here.”
A motion to approve Consulting Club for the first round of voting was passed. The organization will need to seek approval for the second round of voting the following week.
Parker mentioned that as president-elect Veronica Green, ’23, has collected all her cabinet applications, he and Parliamentarian Rachael Harris, ’23, will soon begin setting up senate elections for the next academic year.
The volunteer sheet for the Major Event Concert had been sent out, as Chief of Staff Genesis Pena, ’22, reported. Volunteers will get their ticket reimbursed, as well as receive a free t-shirt, but hours spent volunteering for the concert will not count towards volunteer hours. Those still in need of volunteer hours could sign up for other Springfest events.
Director of Finance Olivia Brophy, ’23, mentioned that Tuesday, May 3, would be the last day for finance requests, and Tuesday, April 26, would be the last day for clubs to order stoles and shirts. Budget hearings would take place in the upcoming weeks. In order to have a budget next semester, clubs must submit the budget request form as well as attend the budget hearings. Clubs must also attend finance hearings for their finance requests to be heard.
This week’s finance requests consisted of $4,807.50 from the general fund and $1,660 from the Culture, Inclusion & Leadership Coalition fund. A motion to approve these finance requests was passed.
Vice President of the Class of 2022 Skyler Roemele announced that further plans to organize the upcoming senior social were underway.
President of the Class of 2023 Bridgit Hayes said that her class is still planning on hosting a dinner with the Islamic Cultural Association and a movie night on the Gator Quad. The class is also looking for another senator.
President of the Class of 2025 Abigail Estrada-Hernandez conveyed her pleasure at the turnout for GatorCon and said that her class hoped it would become an annual event. In addition, the first-year formal committee would be meeting Friday, April 22 with First-Year Dean Niki Fjeldal to finalize preparations for the formal.
Vice President Elect Rudra Schultz-Ray, ’23, reported that he and Green were in the midst of the interview process for their cabinet members, as well as having conversations with ASG Faculty Advisor Jennifer Foxman, ’89, and Dean of Students Tevis Bryant about goals for the summer.
Green said that she and Schultz-Ray had also met with IDEAS Center Director Darnell Tucker regarding their CILC policy to see what the IDEAS Center thinks about it.
Vice President Sophie Adams, ’22, announced that Senior Week would take place the week before finals, from May 9-14.
Adams went on to say that Allegheny had recently received a grant to research the college’s affiliation with the Methodist Church and the issues with that relationship. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to submit research proposals. The Reverend Jane Ellen Nickell reached out to Adams about possibly coming to a GA to answer questions.

A three-minute discussion ensued regarding interest in Nickell’s coming, with the majority — including President Noah Tart, ’22 — disagreeing with the idea.
“I’m all for the separation of church and state, because there’s a lot more than just our relationship with the Methodist Church that ASG does,” Tart said. “There’s a lot of religions … that are on this campus. I don’t think we should subject them to considering or spending time considering our relationship with the church they don’t even affiliate with.”
Wristbands for the first 350 students to purchase concert tickets would be handed out in the ASG office Thursday, April 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
As Foxman said, free burger-and-milkshake meals would be given out on Friday for Springfest. A Kona Ice food truck would be on campus Sautday.
The assembly adjourned at 7:56 p.m.