ASG talks financial reports, new dining features

Brooks returns to swiping at entry, McKinley’s reduces mobile ordering

Sofia Hassan

Elections timeline (per ASG election guidelines document)

Allegheny Student Government began this week’s General Assembly at 7:31 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 22, in room 301/302 of the Henderson Campus Center.
Director of Finance Lucas Biniewski, ’23, said that due to other obligations, ASG’s current bookkeeper, Stacy Gerber, is stepping down after Friday, Feb. 25, following four years in this position. Until a new bookkeeper is hired in the fall, Biniewski will assume the role.
Biniewski continued with a general financial update for the entire academic year. Throughout the whole year, general fund requests have totaled $68,267.76; surplus fund requests have totaled $48,306.58; speaker fund requests have totaled $5,622.53; and fund requests for Culture, Identity and Leadership organizations have totaled $39,843.33.
In addition, the diversity lounge has a $20,000 budget. ASG has spent $29,477.62 on club sports, but Biniewski noted that this figure is at least two weeks old and may not reflect current spending. ASG also took out $12,000 from the student action fund to pay for the water bottle refill stations and $13,000 for the new fire pit. The new green box station cost $5,500. Sweatshirts for the football and volleyball games from the fall totaled $5,031. All of these expenditures came to $455,321.42.
Director of Diversity and Inclusion Jennifer Peralta, ’22, reported that she is working on a wishlist for furniture to go in the multicultural lounge.
“Artists, if you want to talk to me, please do so that we can create some art that represents the students,” Peralta added.
Peralta also announced “Rookie Year 101,” an upcoming event in collaboration with the IDEAS Center, the Counseling and Personal Development Center, and Career Education that will take place Friday, March 4 in the campus center lobby from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. She then reminded everyone about the Black History Month online panel that would take place the following day at 6:00 p.m.
Director of Communications and Press Ryder Sullivan, ’22, met with on-campus organization Why Not Us? earlier that evening to talk about their Instagram takeover Wednesday, Feb. 23, and also to discuss further events beyond the one that they had planned for that week about writing a message to a survivor. In addition, she updated the cabinet on her other initiatives, including creating a Meadville page for the ASG website.
Director of Student Affairs Elizabeth Graham, ’22, met with the Campus Life and Community Standards Committee that day, which decided to take on a project focused on mental health this semester. She also mentioned that the student life survey is still “in the works.”
Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs Andi Reiser, ’23, announced that she would be having a meeting the next day to continue the conversation about developing the green space. Furthermore, she said she would be meeting with Peralta some time during the week to talk about educating students on environmental racism.
Director of Community Relations Kyrie Doniz, ’23, mentioned that she was working with Sullivan to create a Business of the Week social media post featuring McClure’s Fish House, and that the Meadville Academy Theatre would be featuring a “Beauty and the Beast Ballet” Feb. 25-26.
Director of Organizational Development Crystal Hernandez, ’23, revealed that she would be dismantling the “comp buddies” system, but if anyone was still interested in playing this role for a senior they should talk to her.
Attorney General Jack Parker ’22, mentioned an upcoming meeting with the fishing club to discuss licensing issues for the not-yet-approved organization. He also announced that as of midnight on Feb. 21, the tickets for student government president and vice president had been finalized: Reiser and Biniewski; Veronica Green, ’23, and Rudra Schultz-Ray, ’23; and Peter Alegre, ’23, and Doniz. As there are three separate candidates, a primary election will take place on March 7-9.
“It’s a really commendable thing to run for public office in any realm, but to do it in front of the student body can often bring, as we know, scrutiny and difficulties that are related to being a college student,” Parker said. “So I commend all of you guys for that.”
The two winners of the primary will debate in either the Quigley Auditorium or the Shafer Auditorium, most likely during the week of March 15. General elections will then occur March 30 through April 1, and winners will be announced by April 4.
President of the Class of 2025 Abigail Estrada-Hernandez introduced Gater-Con, an event that will take place on April 14 from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Students and professors will be invited to speak on any topic of their choosing. She also announced that the class was working with First-Year Dean Niki Fjeldal to hold a formal May 7 from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. at Schultz Banquet Hall.
Vice President Sophie Adams, ’22, reminded members of Service Saturday Feb. 26, for which volunteers would meet at Pelletier Library at 9:00 a.m. She also mentioned that she and President Noah Tart, ’22, met with the CEO of Parkhurst the previous week, and he heard her request for the food to be better seasoned.
“He said he wants to partner with student organizations to ‘authentically represent their distinct cultural cuisines,’” Adams said.
“We met for about an hour,” Tart said, elaborating on the Parkhurst meeting that Adams had spoken of. “I’m sure that you’ve noticed some major changes in the last week with both of our dining establishments, how they’re functioning, especially our dining experience, and the changes that you’ve seen are the product of that conversation.”
These changes include swiping at the door at Brooks Dining Hall for an unlimited, all-you-can-eat experience. This eliminates the use of the GET app at this dining establishment. In addition, indicating a movement to get rid of the GET app altogether, students can now order ready-to-order food in person at Pastasciutta and Billie’s Coop House Sandwiches (which has replaced Firehouse Grill).
Adams’s final announcement was that the Loop was running again, and on Fridays and Saturdays it would be operating a short loop from 10:00 p.m. until 2:30 a.m.
The assembly adjourned at 8:07 p.m.