Allegheny Student Government fills CCC, welcomes back Cinquino

In its first meeting of the 2019 spring semester, Allegheny Student Government welcomed both new and old faces into its ranks — Elyse Cinquino, ’20, Tin Le, ’21, and Peyton Capristo, ’21.

To kick off general assembly, ASG Vice President Gillian Greene, ’20, swore in Cinquino as the Class of 2020 president.

Cinquino formerly served as the director of communications and press. Last semester, she did not serve on ASG because she was studying abroad in Mexico.

When Jason Ferrante, ’20, was appointed ASG chief of staff last semester, he said one of his major goals was to fill every position on the College Committees Council, and during Tuesday’s meeting, that goal was achieved with the appointments of Le and Captisto.

Le was appointed to the academic standards and awards committee, and Captisto was appointed to the finance and facilities committee.

Class of 2019 Vice President, John Seiber asked Le and Captisto why they were interested in the positions. Both said they were looking to become more involved on campus and thought they were viable candidates for their respective roles.

“Our CCC is full for the first time this year,” Ferrante said.

Co-director of Student Affairs Catrina Steckler, ’19, spoke to the search for a new director of public safety, saying there were no new updates about the position; however, she did say interviews for a fourth counselor have been conducted within the last week.

Once a new hire is made, the Counseling and Personal Development Center will be what Allegheny considers to be fully staffed, according to Ferrante.

Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs Cat Lord, ’20, explained the campus-wide recycling changes that will be ongoing this semester.

“It’s a global market issue, and it’s completely out of our control,” Lord said. “China doesn’t have room for our waste anymore.”

The main changes consist of the college not being able to recycle glass and only being able to accept plastic materials labeled 1 and 2.

“Everything will be relabeled soon around campus,” Lord said.

To conclude the meeting, Greene said she and ASG President Camila Gomez, ’19, will be meeting with the Allegheny College Board of Trustees and will have further updates on their discussions at next week’s meeting.

As a member of the presidential search committee, Gomez was unable to attend the ASG meeting because she was meeting with president-elect Hilary Link