Allegheny student government kick-starts year’s work
New senator, updates on public safety and possible wellness center management shift
Director of Public Safety Ali Awadi spoke to Allegheny Student Goverment during its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12.
Awadi explained that over the summer Allegheny conducted an active shooter drill with the help of the FBI, the state police and members of Homeland Security.
“What we’re trying to do is in the event that something happens, we need to know how to utilize all the surrounding agencies to support us,” Awadi said. “We’re still working on some things, but I think for the most part, we’ve got it down pat to where we can do our best.”
Along with discussing the active shooter drills, Awadi updated ASG on the projects public safety has been working on. He said the department has been trying secure old light poles that, with the Meadville city council’s approval, will be moved to locations on campus that need better lighting.
“Our relationship has been really good with Meadville, but it’s gotten better,” Awadi said. “There’s a new [police] chief now who is more involved. He’s been coming to a lot of meetings.”
Awadi also talked about the two newest Public Safety officers, Amanda Kosternan and Courtney Lick. According to Awadi, Kosternan, who came from Warren Police Department in Warren, Pennsylvania, was hired for the position of supervisor, which Awadi had recently created.
“She was the most qualified for the position,” Awadi said. Speaking to the fact that both new employees are female, he added, “Our goal is to continue to diversify.”
Along with the supervisor position, public safety also added a security officer position. According to Awadi, the position will be part-time and will support the public safety officer position by performing tasks such as locking and unlocking buildings in order to ensure public safety officers are focused on patrolling the campus and surrounding area.
The Gator Patrol Service, the safety escort program that employs students, held its second training class of the year during the week of Sept. 11. After seeing the class, Awadi said he is optimistic about this year.
“We at least doubled the amount of students from last year. We could possibly even triple it,” Awadi said. “We say that not because we have a big budget to support everybody, but because … it’s a good opportunity for students to connect with other students.”
As Awadi concluded his report, ASG moved onto their own. The outing club was granted money from the surplus fund for, according to Director of Finance Gillian Greene, ’20, “personal flotation devices.”
According to Greene, the outing club is currently using 27-year-old life jackets, while the lifespan of a life jacket is typically about five years. The finance report was passed by the senate.
Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs Akeem Adesiji, ‘20, explained in his report that the ASG project concerning reusable takeout containers in McKinley’s will be worked on over the next few weeks.
“The biggest hurdle is getting some for of receptacle where we can put 30 takeout boxes that will fit health code regulations,” Adesiji said. “Right now, we’re looking at getting a vending machine and putting it in the back left corner of the campus center.”
That corner of the campus center is also where ASG is potentially placing a health and wellness machine, which will allow student access to certain medical items.
“We have to get someone from physical plant to look and see if they can drop electricity through there,” Adesiji said. “If that checks out, most of the logistics are clear. We just have to figure out where [the money] is coming from.”
When giving his class’s report, Class of 2020 Vice President Jason Ferrante explained that senators from the class of 2020 are looking into the possibility of building a rock wall on campus, an idea that had been suggested in past years.
“We’re not sure it’s something we’re going to pursue,” Ferrante said. “But we’re going to look into it.”
Closing the reports, Vice President Valerie Hurst, ’18, explained that Dean Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Kimberly Scott is starting a Housing and Dining Committee and is looking for two student volunteers. According to Hurst, the committee will be reviewing the possibility of the Meadville medical center taking control of Winslow health center.
“[Winslow health center] will still be a physical presence on campus,” Hurst said.
President Mark MacStudy, ’18, ended the meeting with information regarding the policy that has been enforced this year regarding intoxicated students found vomiting. The policy states that a resident assistant is required to call public safety, which will then call emergency medical services. The student will then be assessed.
According to MacStudy, if the student is required to go to the hospital, Allegheny is required to call or have the student call the student’s parents. However, the student still has the right to refuse treatment.
“Dean Scott said this is a policy that has been in place for a while,” MacStudy said. “The school is just finally putting it in writing and solidifying everything.”
Matt Hartwell, ‘18, was sworn in as a senator for the class of 2018.

Director of Public Safety Ali Awadi updates ASG on public safety’s projects during its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017.