2023-24 Presidential Profile: Colabawalla and Leszczynski campaign
Ray Colabawalla, ’25, and Joe Leszczynski, ’25, are running for Allegheny Student Government’s President and Vice President, respectively. Leszczynski serves as the current vice president for the class of 2025. Colabawalla filled the same role last year and currently serves as the Chief of Staff for ASG. With knowledge on the inner workings of ASG, the pair feels they are able to complete their goals by connecting with students and administration alike.
“We don’t want to lie or sell you things that are unfeasible,” Leszczynski said, referring to the ticket’s platform. “These are things, through our experience in two years, are either capable of happening or are discussions capable of happening.”
The goals of the ticket include improving relations with the Meadville area, improving access to mental health resources, increasing representation among underrepresented student groups as well as making ASG members more accessible when it comes to hearing student concerns.
“What we were thinking was groups that are often forgotten about, to a certain extent, by ASG, are these following five groups: student athletes, spiritual and religious life, CILC organizations, (Residence) Life, and (Fraternity/Sorority Life). These are all students that ASG should technically be serving, but we never seem to have any conversation around,” Colabawalla said.
Including those groups of students could take the form of an election by student athletes to elect a student athlete to ASG, for example.
“I can’t stress enough, the reason we selected those specific communities are because those are ones that are facing issues that are unheard. Their concerns are falling on deaf ears,” Colabawalla said.
“We don’t want to make it a burden on anybody’s time because I know everybody’s busy,” Leszczynski added. “We want the path of least resistance to making sure they have a direct voice in (room) 301/302, to me and Ray.”
Above all, the ticket want to make sure that concerns do not go unheard.
“There is nothing special about ASG, we are all just students that want to help you,” Colabawalla said. “We’re just saying give us a shot. Before you say, ‘ASG does nothing,’ try me. Ask us what you want to be done.”

Sam Heilmann is a sophomore from Johnstown, PA. She is majoring in Communications. This is her second year on the Campus staff, and her first as Opinion...