New hire: Haddad to succeed Cole as Provost in fall 2022

Photo courtesy of Allegheny College

Angela T. Haddad will assume the role of provost and dean of the faculty on Aug. 1.

Allegheny College recently announced the appointment of Angela T. Haddad as provost and dean of the faculty at Allegheny College in a press release.
The role has been held by Ron Cole, ’87, since 2015. Cole will continue to serve in its capacity until June 30. Haddad assumes her new position on Aug. 1.
“I am delighted to join the Allegheny College community and feel privileged to serve the faculty, staff and students of a storied liberal arts college,” Haddad said. “I look forward to working with the campus and local community to build upon the college’s past successes and realize the institution’s aspirations.”
According to the press release, Haddad, who holds doctoral and Master’s degrees in sociology from the University of Michigan, has previously served as an associate professor and department chair of sociology, anthropology and social work at Central Michigan University, associate provost at Barnard College and senior associate dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Hunter College.
“Angela Haddad is a visionary and dynamic leader who brings a wealth of insight and experience as both a faculty member and administrator to the role of provost and dean of the faculty,” Link said in the statement. “She has a deep appreciation for the value and importance of an interdisciplinary education that challenges students to seek new perspectives and solve problems, and we are very excited to welcome her to Allegheny’s tradition of excellence and innovation.”
Cole began his tenure under Allegheny’s 21st President, James Mullen, with a standard four-year appointment.
“As my first four-year appointment was drawing to a close, President Mullen was retiring, and we had (Link) starting,” Cole said. “(Mullen) asked me if I would stay on for another two years to help with that transition so there was some continuity, which I was glad to do. And then during the pandemic, (Link) asked if I would stay on for one more year just for continuity through the pandemic.”
Staying during the pandemic, Cole said, also gave the college additional time to launch a nationwide search for his successor.
Cole’s seven-year term is not unusual in length, he added.
“The provost prior to me, Linda DeMeritt, was in that post for 12 years,” Cole said. “It’s not atypical for somebody at Allegheny or elsewhere to have a post that goes between four and eight years.”
Haddad will assume the position Aug. 1, a full month after Cole’s last day on June 30. This gap, according to Cole, does not indicate a lack of transition or communication between himself and his successor.
“I look forward to welcoming (Haddad) to the Allegheny Community, and I’m committed to providing as smooth and successful a transition as possible,” Cole said. “In that (transition), I’ll be in communication with her leading up to my last day as provost and certainly before her first day, and I’ll be available during July for questions that she may have or that (Link) may have.”
For his part, Cole has not yet decided what to do after departing from his post.
“I plan to take time to consider my path in higher education,” Cole said. “I am committed to higher education. I will always be humbled and honored to have served Allegheny as provost, and I will always remain inspired and grateful for the commitment and dedication that I’ve observed and felt from the faculty and staff at Allegheny in support of student learning.”
The announcement of Haddad’s hiring comes just under two weeks after the board of trustees voted unanimously to approve Cole’s new staffing plan, which recently spurred students to action following the announcement of cuts to the Chinese minor.
While more than two dozen faculty will leave the college through resignations and retirements, the staffing plan does call for investment in four new faculty lines. These new roles will be filled by Haddad and others as the plan is carried out.
“I believe that (Haddad), as next provost, will have an incredible opportunity to build on that plan,” Cole said. “We have investments that we’re making in terms of new faculty lines, areas of the curriculum that we’re investing in; we’re hiring replacement positions in some areas. (Haddad) is going to have opportunities to help shape and build on that plan by helping hire vibrant faculty for Allegheny’s future.”
Allegheny Student Government Vice President Sophie Adams, ’22, sat in on interviews with all four finalists for the position as a member of the Finance and Facilities Committee.
“She seemed qualified and capable,” Adams said. I’m sad I’m not going to be around to see what she has to do for the campus but I think it’ll be good for us. I think a change will be good and I’m looking forward to what she can bring (to Allegheny).”
Carmélione Majewski, ’24, however, is wary of the idea of a new provost. She does not think very highly of the new staffing plan and felt that some of that ill will would translate to Haddad
“(The staffing plan) was bad news to students who were expecting to see those faculty members (staying) on (with the college) and then hearing that we have this new (staff member) is just like, ‘who’s that, why are they so special?’” Majewski said.
At the same time, Majewski also expressed that she is open to seeing how Haddad will shape the college moving forward.
“Maybe I’m not as accepting of them now, but my opinions may change and they might actually do some good for the school,” Majewski said.