Code of conduct approved

The Allegheny Student Government’s ninth meeting of module two approved changes to the student code of conduct and discussed recent budget hearings.

With Dean of Students April Thompson as guest speaker, ASG’s general assembly commenced with cabinet reports at 7:07 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4, via Zoom.

Thompson started off her address by providing updates on the recent changes to the student code of conduct.

“There is a change in the weapon policy which now states that pepper spray is allowed to be used for self defense,” Thompson said. “The spray must be less than three ounces.”

Thompson then talked about changes to the theft and damage policy.

“There was some confusion as to what you could do with community property so we have added the term ‘tampering with’ to provide more clarity,” Thompson said.

Thompson also mentioned that small changes have been made to the appeal hearing process.

President of the Class of 2024 Kristen Cadham raised the motion to approve the updates to the student code of conduct and was seconded by Senator Kyrie Doniz, ’23. The motion passed unanimously.

Chief of Staff Emma Godel, ’21, started off her report by talking about the senate elections.

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who successfully submitted their materials to run for the senate elections.” Godel said.

Godel confirmed that senate elections will be taking place at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, May 10 until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12.

Godel then encouraged everyone to vote in the election.

The focus then shifted to the upcoming Pennsylvania municipal elections on May 18.

“I do understand that American democracy needs a lot of work but we still live in a country where voting rights are not completely denied yet,” Godel said. “Please embrace your right to vote.”

Attorney General Jack Parker, ’22,  commenced his report by talking about the senate elections.

“If you have successfully submitted your materials to either myself or Emma, please feel free to start campaigning,” Parker said. “Please adhere to campaign guidelines and feel free to reach out with any questions.”

Parker then introduced the president of the Women in Pop Culture Club Rachel Lutz, ’24.

“The Women in Pop Culture (Club) was started so that students could analyze pop culture from a feminist lens,” Lutz said. “We are particularly interested in engaging with various forms of media that are produced or directed by women.”

Cadham raised a motion to approve the Women in Pop Culture Club and was seconded by Doniz. The motion passed unanimously.

Director of Communication and Press Bree Gray, ’23, followed with her report, indicating that candidate biographies will be placed in the ASG biweekly email as well as on the website.

Gray then urged voting on the recent honor code referendum and mentioned ASG’s intention to issue a statement regarding workers’ rights towards the end of the semester.

Director of Finance and President-elect Noah Tart, ’22, followed by talking about the recent club budget hearings.

“The annual budget hearings went really well,” Tart said. “The budgets will be published sometime next week.”

Director of Diversity and Inclusion Peter Alegre, ’23, commenced his report by talking about the textbook donation program.

“The final stages of the textbook donation program is coming to fruition,” Alegre said. “I have a number of meetings coming up to finalize the program.”

Alegre then gave an explanation of the program.

“Instead of discarding your used textbooks you will now have the chance to deposit them at drop-off spots for the donation program.”

Alegre mentioned that drop-off spots are still being determined.

“I have approval for Brooks and the Library to be drop-off spots and the Campus Center will also likely be one.”

Directors of Student Affairs Gena Pena, ’22, and Crystal Hernandez, ’23, followed by talking about the student life survey.

“The student life survey is now live,” Pena said. “Please make sure to take the survey so that we can take feedback and improve the student experience.”

Vice-President Particia Gaxiola, ’21, commenced her report by announcing Godel as the recipient of the A.L. Ballinger Award.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.