Tart and Adams win presidential election, CILC legislation is approved

Noah Tart, '22, and Sophie Adams, '22, win election.

Tart Adams

Noah Tart, ’22, and Sophie Adams, ’22, win election.

Allegheny Student Government’s fourth meeting of the module acknowledged the results of the presidential election and passed the Culture Identity Leadership Coalition legislation. 

With no guest speakers, ASG’s general assembly commenced with cabinet reports at 7:38 p.m. Tuesday, March 17, via Zoom.

Attorney General Jack Parker, ’22, started off his report by recognizing the recent presidential election and congratulating the candidates involved. 

“I was absolutely honored to work with both campaigns, they worked incredibly hard,” Parker said. “Regardless of who won, Allegheny would have been in incredible hands.”

Parker then recognized and congratulated Director of Finance Noah Tart, ’22, and Sophie Adams, ’22, as the President and Vice-President of ASG for the upcoming academic year.

Parker also commented on the significant voter turnout in the election and encouraged students to apply for a senate position in the upcoming senate election..

“We had probably one of the best, to my knowledge, turnouts when it came to student voting,” Parker said. “We want these (senate) slots filled by next semester so I encourage you to file a petition.”

Parker then introduced the President of the Catalyst for Change Charitable Foundation Club, Khalid Mohamed, ’22.

“CCC is a charitable organization that will be working with different organizations in Meadville and the surrounding area,” Mohamed said. “The way (CCC) is different from other charitable organizations is that we’re not only gonna be raising funds but we want to actually work closely with the organizations to see what they need.”

President of the Class of 2024 Kristen Cadham raised the motion to approve CCC and was seconded by Senator India McCruter, ’24. The motion passed unanimously.

Co-Directors of Students Affairs Crystal Hernandez, ’23, and Gena Pena, ’22, followed with their report. Pena commented on her work regarding the distribution of feminine products on campus and how she had been working on long-term goals for the project.

“I’ve been meeting with a lot of people to define the long-term goals,” Pena said. “This is something that started in 2018 so I am just working to get this done.”

Pena also commented on her and Hernadez’s work regarding the phone charging stations on campus.

“We’re making sure that (the stations) are not broken, and ordering more supplies through our vendor,” Pena said. “We are figuring out good places to put them (the stations).”

Pena then talked about her and Hernandez’s initiative to include all-gender restrooms and water bottle refilling stations on the Allegheny virtual map.

Director of Community Relations Elias Bullock-Moreno, ’23, followed with his report by stating that the questions for the restaurant survey have been compiled. The restaurant survey seeks to find out what Allegheny students like to eat in town.

Bullock-Moreno then stated that he was open to hearing ideas from the student body about different things to do in Meadville.

“If you’ve got anything cool going on in Meadville that you’d like people to know about, tell me about it,” Bullock-Moreno said. “I’d love to let other people know.”

Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs Willy Walker, ’22, discussed progress regarding water bottle refilling stations.

Walker then announced his intentions to collaborate with The Campus in a new initiative to make use of excess newspapers.

“I want to take these (excess) newspapers and turn them into different events, (including) ‘make your own paper,’ which is a really fun thing to do, and possibly an origami event,” Walker said.

In unfinished business, Tart called for a vote on the CILC legislation put forth by himself and ASG President Abdikadir Lugundi, ’21.

An attendance vote was taken and the legislation passed unanimously.

President of the Class of 2023 Andi Reiser commenced her class report by discussing her June menstrual cup initiative. She stated that tabling for the initiative would tentatively begin next week on Monday, March 29.

In the transition report, Adams started off by thanking the assembly for a productive election campaign. 

“I just want to thank you guys for the love and support, it’s been really wonderful,” Adams said. “It really warms my heart when I walk around campus and people are congratulating, it really feels like this (the election campaign) was a group effort.”

Adams then announced that cabinet applications are now open and encouraged all to apply.

“We really want to encourage everyone to apply for a cabinet position for next year,” Adams said. “We’re really hoping we make this (the cabinet) as diverse and as empowering as possible”

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.