Office renovations, relocations on campus

As Bentley Hall prepares for renovation and Reis Hall empties out this academic year, the previous occupants have found new homes in the Henderson Campus Center, Schultz Hall and Murray Hall, while a move to the Tippie Alumni Center is scheduled for early September.

The biggest change was the relocation of the Office of Student Life, previously in Reis, to the Campus Center. Relocating Student Life — which includes the Dean of Students, Residence Life and Spiritual and Religious Life — required the reorganization and renovation of the third floor of the Campus Center.

“Returning students will be like, where’s financial aid, where’s counseling, where’d everybody in Reis go?” said Jane Ellen Nickell, chaplain. “But hopefully the first-year students will come in  and …  see all of these offices in one suite together in the Campus Center (and) will hopefully really feel the support that the campus provides for them.”

As part of the renovation, the office now has a common area for students to have a quiet place to relax. Nickell said there are some confusing parts of being moved to the Campus Center — Student Life now has only one entrance, for example — but added that those are minor issues.

“I think everyone is pretty happy with where they are now,” Nickell said.

Also moving from Reis are the Counseling and Personal Development Center, which has moved to be co-located with the Winslow Health Center in Schultz and the Office of Financial Aid, which is now on the second floor of the 454 House. The 454 House also houses Admissions.

As Bentley undergoes renovations, its offices are moving as well. So far, the Registrar, Human Resources, Title IX, the Dean for Institutional Diversity, and Institutional Research have moved to Murray Hall, just south of the Campus Center.

Murray was previously used for Computing Services and a few classrooms; however, the building had space available to house new offices.

Jason Ramsey, director of enterprise services in Institutional Research said the move to Murray is beneficial.

“(Institutional Research) work often involves the Registrar and Human Resources, offices that both shared a floor in Bentley with IR, and now continue to do so during the Bentley Hall renovation having moved to Murray,” Ramsey said. “It is a nice opportunity for staff and administration to make closer connections with one another by working from the same building.”

In early September, Tippie will also be the new home to the offices of the president, executive vice president and dean of the college. These moves will take place in early September, but the definitive date has not been announced.

Gilly Ford, interim dean of students, thinks the changes make the offices and their services more available to students.

“I think the ultimate goal of the move is that the areas students need to be more accessible are all here in one place,” Ford said.

She thinks the post office, bookstore and print shop renovations and relocations are logical moves that better connect their purposes and make them more accessible now that they are all in the same spot on the second floor of the Campus Center.

“It’s really beneficial for all of the offices to be in one place and to be connected to all of the other services that the students need, and I think that’s really exciting,” Ford said.

Ford said plans are in the works to organize an open house for students to be able to see all of the renovations, but she said students should always feel free to pop in and check it out on their own. Overall, all of the staff members whose offices have moved are in agreement that the move was beneficial and look forward to the upcoming year.