‘A Life of Galileo’
Playshop introduces science to the theater
Jim Hollermann, professor of mathematics, and Chris Schuchert, ’16, perform a scene together in dress rehearsal on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015.
Allegheny’s Playshop Theatre presents “A Life of Galileo” from Thursday to Saturday, Nov 19-21 at 8 p.m. and on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 2:30 p.m. at the Gladys Mullenix Black Theatre in the Vukovich Center.
The play, based on the German drama written by Bertold Brecht and translated by Mark Ravenhillat, is a scientific play directed by Daniel Crozier, communication arts/theater professor.
Crozier said the play ties into the theme of Allegheny’s bicentennial year. The drama initiates critical thinking by the audeince. He values the difference of the play as a positive influence on far-reaching discussions.
“It’s a play about revolution,” Crozier said.
Liz Colarte, ’17, a theater major, is involved in many plays on campus and has a role in “A Life of Galileo” as well. She was motivated to participate in another play before she goes to study abroad.
Colarte liked the new play as a contrast to other Playshop plays in which she performed. She brought up Crozier’s impact on critical thinking and appreciates the difference of the drama. Its analysing form mentally involves the audience in the play and creates an unusual but interesting atmosphere Colarte said.
“It”s not just about watching a play but rather looking at a play differently and more critical,” Colarte said.
Colarte explained the challenge of having a big cast which can create a chaotic feeling on stage. The big team of actors and actresses, directors and off-stage organizational staff members were able to create a clear and structured play.
She liked the involvement of many first year students and newcomers to theater.
“I love the cast. We got a lot of different people,” Colarte said. “My favorite part is how close the cast has become and I’ve met a lot of new people.”
For Luke Davis, ’16, a theater major, the drama has a great personal meaning. After he read every script for the upcoming plays this year he decided to participate in “A Life of Galileo.”
Davis values the different kinds of perspective the audience gets which creates an educational but entertaining experience.
“They can expect a show that shows them something they haven’t seen before,” Davis said.
Being influenced by a contrasting playwright compared to his previous plays, Davis decided to use his inside view as an actor to write his senior comp about the drama. He liked the portrayal of a historical society and the scrutinizing form of the play.
“It’s a moment of history,” Davis said.
The Playshop play is free for Allegheny students with identification but reservations must be made online. Allegheny employees, senior-citizens and non-Allegheny students can purchase a ticket for $8 for kids and adults pay $10.

The cast of “A Life of Galileo” prepares for opening night of the production on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015.