About The Campus
Mission Statement
The Campus is a nonprofit newspaper made for and by the students of Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. The Campus seeks to serve and inform the college community by printing journalistic work that seeks the truth and reports honestly and accurately as it distributes high-quality content.
Letters to the Editors Policy
A letter to the editor(s) is a document written by someone not connected to the newspaper in response to something previously published in print or online. (Different than a column or editorial produced by a staff writer or other person connected to the newspaper.) The student newspaper will try to print all letters received. Letters should be between 500 to 750 words long. The writer must include full name, professional title if an Allegheny College employee, or class year if a student. An address and phone number are required with all letters sent, but will not be published. The student newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for style, possible libel or length. The newspaper will not withhold names under any circumstance. Please address all correspondence to newspaper@allegheny.edu. Priority will be given to those letters written by students, faculty and staff of Allegheny College on current events.
The Campus’ online commenting policy is as follows:
In order to keep www.alleghenycampus.com a forum for productive discussion, users who post comments must adhere to The Campus’s comment policy. Refrain from any malicious or personal attacks, dissemination of false or misleading information or hate speech. Provide a real email address. All comments are subject to moderator approval before posting. Any person impersonating another is subject to being blocked and will have any associated comment removed.
Reach out:
The Campus can be reached at newspaper@allegheny.edu. For more specific questions, feel free to email Editor-in-Chief Anna Westbrook at westbrook01@allegheny.edu. Our adviser, Mike Crowley, is accessible at mcrowley@allegheny.edu
Website Updated in 2024 by Anna Westbrook and SNO