To the editor,
Within the Summer 2013 and November 2013 issues of the Allegheny Magazine, I have read two articles that have sparked my pride in my Alma Mater.
My husband and I are very active in our township board in central New York State regarding anti-fracking. I see student participation in the issue as thrilling. The opening of minds to the pros and cons of fracking at Bousson, in Meadville, in Crawford County, northwest PA and beyond, shows the thirst for knowledge in so many ways. Those areas include, among many, the irreversible effect on the beauty of the countryside (environmental studies), harm to human and creature bodies (biology), contamination of water and soil (geology and chemistry), civil communication among persons with opposing opinions (sociology and political science) and differing thoughts about financial gain and loss.
The involvement of students in the medical community of Meadville is also enlivening. The medical profession of any area encompasses the entire habitation including prenatal care, sensible preventive education from birth to aged, spiritual support for the ill and the caregivers, nutritional education, geriatric care and continual search for scientific knowledge.
I am just letting you, the reader, know how wonderful it makes me feel to be affiliated with such a fantastic, curious, hungry, thirsty, enthusiastic institution of learning.
Sonia Sadoff Davies, ‘70