It is truly amazing that in every election cycle, without fail, politicians decide to make up their own history.
This year, the most manipulated aspects of history are the events surrounding health care, specifically with regard to H.R. 3590 and its subsequent passage.
The GOP will lead you to believe that this health care legislation was passed without the will and consent of a majority of Americans. How quickly do they forget November 2008?
President Obama campaigned with the clear intention of focusing on health care and a majority of voting Americans obviously agreed with him.
Yet the notion that somehow the Democrats went off on some grandiose, unscripted plan persists.
If anything, Republican obstructionism proved to be the biggest hurdle for this long–awaited bill. Despite placating Republican interests and delaying enactment of many provisions for several years, Democrats failed to gain a single Republican vote.
This was a quintessential demonstration of why appeasement and bipartisanship are wasted efforts when presented with an opposition dead–set against compromise.
The idea that because your minority party vehemently opposes a bill or law you can somehow rewrite the narrative of history to reflect an imaginary tide of events in your favor seems silly at first.
However, it is exactly the type of tactic currently employed by many Republicans across this nation.
Republican candidate Mike Kelly recently wrote an op–ed on in which he completely twisted the words of an Obama supporter to match his agenda.
Back in September of this year the Obama supporter relayed her concern that Obama was not going far enough with economic policies.
Kelly touted this as example of the public’s negative reaction to the government trying to change too much. How he deduces this is beyond me, but it is a prime example of revisionist politics at play.
So beyond the rhetoric and outright lies from the right, what exactly does the health care bill entail for the average American—nay, the average college student?
Contrary to Republican lies, the health care bill will not increase the deficit.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, over the first 10 years, it will decrease the federal deficit by $143 billion.
Thanks to Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper, we will all be able to stay on our parents’ insurance plan until we turn 26.
The bill prevents health insurance companies from denying health care over preexisting conditions.
Furthermore, H.R. 4872, also known as the reconciliation act, includes provisions to make college loans easier to obtain.
It also eliminates the practice of subsidizing banks that give student loans. Instead, it simplifies the process, channeling all loans directly from the government.
These are policies and laws that affect every single one of us at Allegheny.
Unfortunately, it has been my experience that many students are very apathetic or hesitant about voting. The tired adage of “not giving a shit” is no longer an excuse.
The people we send to Washington and the people we send to Harrisburg do not just twiddle their thumbs. The policies they enact affect our lives.
Whether it’s the child with the preexisting condition that can now continue her treatment in hospital or the young student who can now afford to go to college, it matters.
So to those who voted in 2008, do not falter.
To those of you who chose not to vote, remember these policies.
And to those who can vote for the first time, embrace it.
Politicians revise history to manipulate voters
October 28, 2010
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