Allegheny Student Government met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18 in rooms 301/302 of the Henderson Campus Center to deliver weekly progress reports, vote on two new clubs and announce the candidates for the upcoming presidential elections.
Director of the Treasury Dominic Juliana, ’26, announced the expenses this week. Budgetary requests from this week and last week totaled $18,882.83, with $13,727.44 coming from the general fund. The surplus fund supplied $5,155.39 to fund new booths for Grounds for Change.
Ben Keefer, ’27, and Lyra Lindsay, ’27, Co-Directors of Student Affairs, reported that sexual and menstrual products were restocked within the Campus Center Thursday, March 13, and deliveries of pads and tampons are expected before the end of the week. The directors will also be tabling in the Campus Center on Thursday, March 27, from 12:15-1:30 p.m. with harm reduction resources, including drug testing strips and drug reactivation kits.
Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs Aidan McGrory, ’26, reported there will be a meeting on March 26 in the Tippie Alumni Center for a group meeting of all the green clubs and organizations on campus, to organize their merger. McGrory also sought to address the representative body and clarify that neither the sustainability committee nor the Office of Sustainability were responsible for changes in portions from McKinley’s Dining Hall.
Class Senate Reports
Class of 2025 President Akari Brown reported the success of the second “Chomp the Comp” event, and that a Mario Kart tournament for seniors has been organized for 7:30 p.m. on March 27 in the game room of the Campus Center.
Class of 2026 President Iris Styers reported progress on Junior Appreciation Week.
Class of 2027 President Liam Shields reported that the students vs. faculty volleyball event was unfortunately cancelled due to low student engagement.
Class of 2028 President George Asante reported their tabling events are being rescheduled due to financial request issues.
Presidential Report
President Ella DeRose, ’27, reported that the president and vice president will be meeting with the physical plant and public safety to discuss potential major projects such as the installation of a new lamp post using ASG’s financial surplus.
The next general assembly will be held in Quigley Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. in tandem with the debate between both candidates for the presidential election. Student attendance is highly encouraged.
Primary Elections
Primary election voting will be open until 9 p.m. on Sunday, March 22.
Three tickets have been submitted for consideration. The top two will continue to debate in Quigley auditorium before the final election. The three submitted tickets are as follows;
Brayden Devinney, ’26 / Lyra Lindsay, ’27
Devinney is a biochemistry major. Having been nominated and subsequently undertaken the role of chief of staff two weeks ago, Devinney notes in his biographical submission, “While I have not had as much of a rigorous history with ASG, I was recently nominated to work on the cabinet as Chief of Staff. After confirmation in this role, I hope to get to know the inner workings of ASG, support the current cabinet…and identify ways in which I can utilize my experience as a leader to improve the future functioning of ASG”
Lindsay, current co-director of student affairs since February, has previously served terms as a representative since their freshman year. Outside of student government, Lindsay has served on Allegheny Panhellenic Council as the vice president of community development. Lindsay hopes to take an understanding of ASG and Greek life on campus into leadership roles with ASG.
Upon request for comment, Lindsay responded, “Our ticket brings an extensive history of leadership across the Allegheny community and within ASG, with experience leading campus organizations and holding different positions within ASG, we are committed to addressing student issues and improving campus life.”
Chezka Quinola, ’27 / Doug Malcolm, ’26
Quinola is a dual major in software engineering and industrial design. In addition, Quinola has served on ASG for two years, first as a representative and for this past academic year as the attorney general. As part of being AG, Quinola stated, “I have worked closely with students to help them turn their ideas into reality, whether that meant guiding them through starting new clubs, supporting their initiatives or helping them navigate ASG’s formal procedures to address concerns. Student government should be a resource for every student, not just an institution that makes decisions. I want to continue building a campus where every voice is heard and every student feels empowered to make a difference.”
Malcolm is majoring in political science. Having joined ASG this academic year, Malcolm has served on the finance committee and later stepped into the role of director of the Treasury. Malcolm states of his time as director of the Treasury thus far, “In this position, I have worked closely with both students and faculty to ensure clubs and organizations have the funding and support necessary to bring their ideas to life. Whether it’s helping a club plan an event, fund a new initiative or making the budgeting process more transparent, I have been committed to making sure ASG works for every student.”
Following a request for comment, Quinola submitted the following: “We’re not just running for ASG, we’re running for you. Our campaign, ‘A Leadership That Listens,’ is about making sure every student’s voice isn’t just heard but acted upon, creating a campus where real change starts with real conversations. Vote Quinola-Malcolm!”
Hailey Herring, ’26 / Gary Murray, ’26
Herring is majoring in psychology. Herring serves as a resident advisor on campus, in addition to operating as the director of press and communications for ASG. Writing in regard to the duties of the role, Herring stated, “I try to mend the separation of ASG, staff and the student body most through open communication.” Herring seeks to make campus a place where “every student’s voice is heard, concerns are discussed and ideas turn into action!”
Murray has served as a representative of the class of 2026 in his freshman and junior years. Murray is a Bonner scholar, Black History Month chair for ABC and has operated in all of the above positions to promote positive change on campus and in Meadville through working alongside the Meadville Public Library and Allegheny’s own Law & Policy program. Murray notes his efforts on ASG in his freshman year brought about the Therapy Dog Program and his work with the Law & Policy program contributed to the creation of the Crawford County Clean Slate/Pardon Initiative partnership to help formerly incarcerated individuals make a fresh start in society.
Elaboration on the final two candidates’ intended policies and programs will be held after the primary elections.
ASG announces candidates for election
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About the Contributors

Anton Hodge, Staff Writer

Milo Watson, Layout Editor
Milo Watson is a junior from Delaware. He double-majors in English with a focus in Nonfiction Creative Writing and Environmental Science & Sustainability. This is his first year on staff. He enjoys reading outside.