Allegheny Student Government met this Tuesday to discuss any developments since the return from spring break. ASG did not process a budget this week due to spring break. Budget requests from over spring break will be processed for next week’s meeting.
Attorney General Chezka Quinola, ‘27, reminded the body of guidelines and regulations for the upcoming presidential election. Any students who wish to run to lead the government must register 50 signatures from students, including name and ID number, taken in person. Alongside should be included a biography of each member of the ticket’s involvement on campus, reasons for running and picture of each candidate, by March 18, submitted in pdf form to [email protected]. Students must attend one(1) ASG meeting to be valid candidates as well.
Chief of Staff Brayden Devinney, ’26, reaffirmed that the student government was running a budget surplus, and as such, would be seeking to utilize surplus funds to replace ASG office furniture. Additionally, a comprehensive list of duties are soon to be formalized for committee members.
Class Reports:
The class of 2025 reported that financials for senior week will be finalized in the coming weeks. An event for seniors is being planned for March 27.
Class of 2026 reported progress on junior appreciation work, with dates confirmed for April 2 to 4.
The class of 2027 reported that the students vs. faculty volleyball game date has been finalized to be Thursday, March 2o, from 5-6 p.m.
Class of 2028 reported that they will be tabling in the Henderson Campus Center to promote a St. Patrick’s Day event.