Allegheny Student Government completed the first round of voting to approve two new clubs and announced many upcoming events at their General Assembly on Tuesday, Oct. 22.
Director of Diversity and Inclusion Kaleialoha Froning, ’25, reported she will participate in an upcoming meeting with professors about an Indigenous health class coming in the spring.
Co-Directors of Student Affairs Ben Keefer, ’27, and Kyra Jordan, ’25, announced the Parkhurst Dining Committee will be meeting soon to officially start the committee’s work. Keefer and Jordan also said that ASG members will be present to talk to the student body at a Grounds For Change open tab event on Oct. 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs, Aidan McGrory, ’26, reported progress on a possible tree planting event to come soon, though he said concerns about groundskeeping maintenance were raised. He said an education-focused event in the far future is also in the works.
Director of Community Relations Hunter Goerman, ’25, reported that since not enough students have entered the raffle for “The Rocky Horror Show” ticket giveaway, it has become a first-come, first-served endeavor. The form to get a ticket is accessible through a QR code on ASG’s Instagram. To get a ticket, students can also ask an ASG representative.
Goerman also shared that, in terms of Halloween weekend events, the farmers market at the Meadville Market House is having an event on Friday, Oct. 26, and that Allegheny’s Student Experimental Theater is hosting “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” on Friday, Oct. 25, and Saturday, Oct. 26, at 9 p.m. each night. Finally, Goerman announced that several Allegheny sports teams are hosting home games this Saturday; Men’s Soccer will have their Senior Day at noon, Women’s Soccer will have their Senior Day at 2:30 p.m, football will have a game at 5 p.m., Women’s Volleyball will play at 1 p.m. and Men’s and Women’s Wwimming and Diving will compete at 1 p.m. Attorney General Chezka Quinola, ’27, raised concerns about people’s understanding of differences between “official” clubs and “ASG-recognized” clubs. Quinola said that ASG clubs are recognized by ASG specifically and qualify for ASG funding, but are subject to additional qualifications. Official clubs are clubs only recognized by the college administration and do not qualify for ASG funding. Club leaders with further questions should contact ASG.
The Class of 2026 announced they will hold a costume contest in GFC on Halloween, which is Oct. 31.
Allegheny Student Government President Ella DeRose, ’27, announced President Ron Cole, ’87, would be speaking at the next general meeting, 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday.
Additionally, DeRose said ASG is still looking for someone to fill a marketing position.
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The Association for Computer Machining, a national organization looking to re-establish a presence on campus, passed the first round of voting. This club is looking to grow its presence on campus by coordinating with Allegheny’s computer science department and internal technologies to work alongside Allegheny’s curriculum and help students. Badminton club also passed its first round of voting, possibly establishing a place for the sport on campus beyond the current events.
ASG’s next General Assembly is set for 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 29, in room 301/302 of the Henderson Campus Center.
ASG votes on two new clubs
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Anton Hodge, Staff Writer