What is one piece of advice you’d give to those who wish to take a math class at Allegheny?
Talk to your professor! When I talk with a student at the start of the semester, I can find out why they are taking a course as well as their previous experiences with math. This helps me to advise them on how to be successful in the course.
What made you fall in love with teaching mathematics?
I love reading. To me, mathematics is a beautiful language which allows us to be logical and creative.
What has your career journey looked like? What is one piece of advice you’d give to your past self?
I had a pretty direct path, undergrad to grad school to post-doc and then academic position. I would advise my past self (and any current students) to take advantage of the available opportunities — apply for that internship, fellowship, or job.
Anything you want students at Allegheny to know about you, your department, or anything else?
I encourage students to talk with faculty and current students. There are many connections among math and other subjects, and a lot of interesting mathematics beyond calculus.