Ask! an editor
Brooks or Kinz (or is it Kins)?
It is most definitely Kinz. Anyways, after four years on campus I would say that Kinz winz in terms of convenience, consistency and atmosphere. Though I must say that Brooks has been improving steadily over the past years and I really appreciate the dedication of Parkhurst to addressing student requests. The in-person dining experience is back, and things on campus are finally starting to feel like pre-spring 2020 again.
How do you manage the pressure of module 2 with publishing a paper every week?
It’s definitely tough for our staff to manage a full course load, other commitments (comping) and having a decent social life while covering unexpected events on campus. But I think having the steady, consistent schedule that we have is what keeps us on track and focused. If I had any advice to give to students struggling with time management, it would be, sit down for an hour when you can and get done what you can. I am not one to sit in the library until it closes, but find your best working time and space, put on some lofi beats if that helps you focus, and do one task at a time.
What is there to do in Meadville?
While I was first touring Allegheny five years ago, I did not think that there would be much to do in Meadville. However, as I have now called Meadville home for the past four years, I have been surprised and elated to find all of the great local businesses and restaurants as well as local gems like French Creek and Woodcock Dam — a great place to walk with a friend or play disc golf. In town, I frequent French Creek Coffee and Tea Co. (where they offer a generous 20% student discount), Julian’s Bar and Grille, Kettle Lake Kitchen and Yummy Asian. If you are of the legal drinking age, check out Voodoo or Roff’s School House Tavern. If you are able to drive a little further from Meadville, check out Conneaut Lake or make the trek to Erie to visit Presque Isle State Park, Millcreek Mall or my personal favorite, Ichiban’s all-you-can-eat buffet. Wow, that’s a lot of food recommendations.
My roommate(s) will not leave my apartment/room. How can I politely ask for some time alone?
This is definitely tricky as you all have a right to the space, and there are more constraints if you are sharing a bedroom. I would suggest that you make your boundaries clear at the beginning of the year, if possible. It is more difficult if you are friends, in my experience, because you do not want to jeopardize the friendship with any unnecessary drama. Consider making some compromises and sacrifices. Plan to have your downtime, alone time or “alone time” while your roommate(s) are in class or have other obligations. If you are in a shared space, do not make the mistake of not taking up any space in the common areas. You have just as much of a right to occupy that space as your roommate(s). If your roommate(s) are violating your need for space, politely assert your need for it and, if all else fails, consider finding a new place or talk to Residence Life for help.
How do I get involved with The Campus?
There are a number of ways to get involved with The Campus depending on your skillset, availability and interest. We need photographers to go to home sporting events and other on-campus events, writers for every section and op-eds from you on whatever you are feeling particularly peeved or excited about. For more information, email us at [email protected]. You can also submit questions for “Ask an Editor.”

Ethan Woodfill is a senior from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an Environmental Science & Sustainability and Political Science double major with an...