ASG talks vaping rules, improving the Loop and a misleading flyer during its weekly general assembly

Members of Allegheny Student Government attend the weekly general assembly meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday Sept. 24, 2019, in the Henderson Campus Center room 301/302.

A development session and free food kept ASG’s general assembly meeting brief on Tuesday, Sept. 24, but that did not stop business as usual in room 301/302 of the Henderson Campus Center.

Director of Diversity and Inclusion Taylor Marzouca, ’20, began the cabinet reports by promoting the Know Your Rights campaign. The campaign’s first event will be a local election candidate forum, followed by a break out session on electoral and voting rights which begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2 in the lobby of the campus center.

Gabby Miller, ’20, director of community relations, said her committee will be prioritizing a conversation between the college and the City of Meadville.

“Meadville community members (will be able to) talk about interactions they’ve had with Allegheny students (this semester), and then, next semester, using those common threads and ideas, (we can have) a town hall conversation to make an action plan,” Miller said. “Overall, (we want to) emphasize organizations that exist already and empower them.”

During Jared McHale’s, ’20, chief of staff report, Lola Asnin, ’20, was unanimously re-appointed to the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

Co-Directors of Student Affairs Kelsey Evans, ’20, and Genesis Pena, ’22, mentioned they are working on several projects, including feminine hygiene dispensers and finding a new director of public safety.

“Tomorrow, I’m meeting with Gretchen (Beck) and (a representative) from the Crawford Area Transportation Authority,” Evans said. “We’re talking about trying to get the Loop (to be) more on time and on schedule.”

Pena added that she hopes the feminine hygiene dispensers are installed in campus center restrooms by the end of October.

Evans gave an update on the search for a new director of public safety, stating that there are currently three candidates and they are looking for an additional one.

“Also, (Campus Life and Community Standards) is looking at creating a vaping policy in our current smoking policy,” Evans said. “Right now, on the smoking policy, all of the stuff that you can’t do inside all involves fire, and vaping has been setting off smoke detectors recently. So, they’re trying to find a remedy for that. If anyone has opinions on that, reach out to me because they want a student voice on that.”

Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs Cat Lord, ’20, spoke about her initiative with Kelly Boulton, sustainability coordinator, to place reusable green box token holders at the Brooks Dining Hall checker station as well as the registers in McKinley’s Food Court.

“We’ve actually refilled (the token holders), so people are taking them,” Lord said.

Lord added that the Climate Strike, which took place on Friday, Sept. 20, was a successful event comprised of both campus and community members.

During the president’s report, Jason Ferrante, ’20, told the general assembly about a flyer circulating on campus which reads “Ban fraternities and sororities, sponsored by A$G” and in a small font, “not ASG.”

“It’s been forwarded onto (Beck), who helps to oversee the campus center which is where some (of the flyers) were put up, as well as Casey (Cole), who is the director of Fraternity and Sorority life,” Ferrante said. “It is not something that we would ever propose, but the appropriate people are aware and taking subsequent action.”

Before closing, Ferrante reminded the general assembly that Wingfest is taking place at 2 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 28, on the Gator Quad.

The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.