If Allegheny College and the city of Meadville had a relationship status on Facebook, they would be listed as “It’s Complicated.”
When angry, even disrespectful, comments appear below the article on the Meadville Tribune’s Web site regarding the crosswalk on North Main, it seems that Meadville residents have nothing but negative feelings towards those nasty, self–absorbed college students constantly stepping off the curb into oncoming traffic.
The recent alleged attack of two college students by area high school students, while not representative of relations between Allegheny and Meadville, is still alarming.
At times, there is an undeniable tension between town and college.
But we’re pretty sure there are some Meadville residents who don’t mind us so much.
The people who work at the Market House know many of us by name; we’re pretty sure that their smiles aren’t fake when we bring our maple syrup and whole wheat flour up to the register.
It was encouraging to see so many non–students attend Michael Pollan’s lecture on Thursday.
Area preschoolers and Allegheny students worked together to present a World Cultures Fair in the Campus Center lobby on Sunday, which was organized by community partner Mrs. Munnu Sudan and the Meadville Cooperative Preschool.
Allegheny’s Game Room and Make it Meadville are partnering for the First Fridays program, which began last month and will occur again this Friday. Many local businesses will stay open until 8 p.m. to accommodate busy schedules and the Game Room will host drawings for gift cards to area shops and restaurants for both students and local residents.
There are tons of places downtown that offer discounts to students with an Allegheny I.D., including Artist’s Cup and Compadres–just ask.
Check out the Park Street Cinema this Friday before going out and then head to the Market Grille on Saturday morning to try out their Western Omelet with sausages and homefries.
It’s up to us to show Meadville that we care about this town –– because, for four years, it’s our town, too.
All editorials represent the majority opinion of the Editorial Board.
The Campus welcomes all reader response. We reserve the right to reject or edit letters not meeting standards or space requirements (maximum 400 words). The deadline for submission for letters is 5 p.m. the Monday before publication. Letters must be typed, signed and sent to Box 12, with a phone number included for verification. All questions should be directed to Kristin Baldwin, editor–in–chief.